Chapter 160: A Day in Potioneering

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Takes place around chapter 121

She woke up slowly and unwillingly, resenting the change from sleep to wakefulness. For long moments she tried to resist the change before she finally accepted her fate, waking up fully and blinking slowly. She sighed softly, enjoying the way she felt warm in his arms and how protected she felt before she slowly wriggled her way free.

Alicia managed to escape Oliver's grasp and looked down at his still sleeping form fondly before she pulled on her bathrobe and started her morning routine. The usual brushing and washing, silently cursing the bright sunshine trying to squeeze its way through the curtains, making her way out of the bedroom and walking softly down the hall. A peek into Melanie's room showed the little one still slumbering peacefully and Alicia kissed her sleeping daughter's cheek before closing the door quietly. Hadley was still sleeping too, though how with her covers strewn about and her body half hanging out of the bed, it was a mystery. Alicia waved her wand and rearranged her older daughter's body into bed and kissed her too before walking downstairs.

She waved her wand left and right as she walked into the kitchen. The curtains opened to the bastard sunlight, the windows cracked open to let the fresh summer air in, already slightly warm despite the early morning hour. Water flowed into the kettle from the spigot and the stove turned on, heating the water up. She opened the cold box door and looked at the food within, pulling out eggs and sausage and small tomatoes. Bread floated out of the bread box and a knife danced in the air, slicing the bread while the sausages arranged themselves in the pan, setting on the stove too with the tomatoes beside them.

A hoot from the window drew her attention and she nodded at the Prophet owl, delivering the newspaper. A coin paid for the paper and a bit of water and a gratefully accepted piece of yesterday's ham had the owl bob his head and flap off to deliver the next.

Alicia paged through the newspaper as the sausages fried and the water burbled and bubbled for coffee and tea. The sausages and tomatoes came out of the pan and a bit of melted butter coated the pan before the slices of bread went in for toasting.

"Morning Mummy," Hadley yawned as she walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Baby," Alicia smiled, hugging and kissing her. "What kind of eggs do you want today?"

"Scrambled please," Hadley said as she pulled a chair to the cabinet and climbed on top to get to the plates and things.

"Scrambled it is," Alicia said, cracking eggs into a bowl and beating them with a little cream. She poured them into the pan after taking the butter fried bread out, stirring gently. "Is your father up?"

"Mmhmm," Hadley said, carrying plates to the table. "He woke me up and is helping Melanie."

A few minutes later, Oliver walked into the kitchen, carrying Melanie. "Good morning girls!" he said loudly and boisterously.

"Must you be so loud so early?" Alicia asked, a smile on her lips removing the sting in her words.

"Yes," OIiver said unashamedly. "The little ones like it." He kissed her cheek and held Melanie to do the same.

"Well if they do, I suppose I must," Alicia said, smiling at Melanie and Hadley's giggling. "Fried eggs, runny yolks?"

"Yes please," Oliver said. "What kind of eggs does Melanie want?"

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