Chapter 21: Separation Anxiety

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Takes place during Fred, George, and Angelina's seventh year, Harry's fifth.

"Hey, how's it going?"

Fred narrowed his eyes.  "What do you want?"

Alicia narrowed her eyes.  "Why the suspicion and hostility?"

He squinted at her.  "You never ask me how it's going without wanting something."

She squinted at him.  "Well if this is the thanks I get when I check on your well-being without ulterior motive then small wonder I don't do it often at all!"  Her eyes opened as his closed completely.  "What are you doing?"

He shrugged.  "I didn't know what to do after squinting so I just closed my eyes."

She snorted.  "You look stupid."

"That's the Alicia I know."  He batted his eyelashes at her while she sighed.  "I'm okay though.  Why do you ask?"

"You're by yourself and I honestly cannot remember the last time I saw you by yourself."

"Ah yeah, well George is off doing something that isn't a twin endeavor."

Alicia smiled.  "I'm telling Angelina you called her something."

Fred smiled.  "That's fine.  I'll tell her George told me that before he left."  The two laughed for a few moments.  "Besides," he continued when the laughter subsided, "you're rarely alone too and here you are slumming it with me."

"True but Angelina isn't my twin and we aren't together nearly as much as you and George."

Fred shrugged.  "It was bound to happen.  Luckily I like Angelina as a person and a friend so it's no hardship really."

"That's good.  I was worried you would be taking the separation poorly."

"You mean acting out, desperate for attention?  Throwing tantrums?  Playing even more terrible pranks?"  His grin widened.  "Thanks for the idea Alicia!"

"Wait, no.  I wasn't-"

"I'm off to cause a little mayhem and you're my inspiration."

"Don't you dare.  Hey!  Come back here!"


"It's so weird to see you here by yourself," Katie commented, sitting at the table.

George looked at her.  "What do you mean?"

"I'm used to seeing you with Fred all the time.  Though now you're with Angelina a lot too so you weren't really alone.  When you're sitting by yourself like this, it's just weird."

George looked at her for a bit longer.  "Huh.  I never thought about it.  She went off to use the restroom and Fred..."

It took a moment for Katie to notice that George had stopped talking, staring into space with an odd expression.  "What's wrong?"

"I just realized that I don't know where Fred is.  I usually always know where Fred is."

"Because he's beside you."

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