Chapter 161: Hedwig Edit: Oul Praefectus

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Takes place during seventh year

Hedwig peeked into the bedroom and sighed a little, watching Harry sleep. "You've been working too hard lately," she sighed. She tugged on the covers a little, drawing them up around him more. "Too many responsibilities. Say, that's an idea."

She left the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind her, and landed on the low table in front of the couch. "Let's see here, ah here it is." She kicked a few pieces of parchment out of the way and picked up the Head Boy badge. "You're Head Boy, you're my chick, therefore, I have your abilities and authority. Hmm, a bit heavy and I don't want to carry it with my talons or beak. Ah, this should work!"

She took the silver chain on her roost and threaded it through the badge clip. Then she ducked her head through the chain's loop and admired herself in the mirror in the living room. "Regal, authoritative, beautiful, thy name be Hedwig. I'll help patrol and take care of pesky students, Chick will get more rest, and I'll get more cuddles and adoration. Everyone wins!"

With a powerful jump, she launched herself into the air and flew towards the portrait door. It opened before her and she flew through it, waving a wing at the lioness on the portrait front. "Now then, let's instill some order in the stone nest," Hedwig said as she flew down the hall.


"Harry, what's wrong?"

Harry was patting his pockets and looking about. "I can't find my badge."

"Which one?"

He snorted. "I just realized that I have more than one technically to look for which is kinda silly but my Head Boy badge specifically."

"Harry!" Hermione said with immense disapproval. "How did you lose your Head Boy badge?"

"I don't know! I put it down on my nightstand like I do with my other things and it's gone." He and Hermione looked around their common room and his room. "See? It somehow disappeared."

"It does seem that way." She sighed. "I suppose we will have to go tell Professor McGonagall."

"That'll have to wait," Harry sighed looking at his watch. "We gotta get to class." He scratched his head. "I have no idea how it went missing. I just hope no one took it."

Hermione snorted. "I doubt it. I can't think of any of our friends that would dare take it, much less any other student."


"Hey look what I got!"

"No way!"

The two fourth year Ravenclaw students were huddled in an alcove. One looked quite smug and the other looked quite impressed. "Where did you get it?" the latter asked.

"My brother sent it! Snuck it in through owl post." He gleefully waved the bottle of firewhiskey.

"Your brother is so cool!"

"Right?! Now we can drink this and…" He looked over the shoulder of his friend, voice coming to a halt.

"What's wrong?" The second boy turned and gasped at the gigantic amber eyes that glared from him from within the helmet of the armor that stood in the alcove.

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