Chapter 86: Long Over-Duel

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Takes place during the summer before Harry's sixth year, during chapter 111 of Family

"Is there any chance I can talk you out of this?" Remus sighed, already knowing the answer.

"There's always a chance," Sirius said shortly.  "In this case though, it's very low."

"I might as well save my strength for other responsibilities then," Remus snarked.

"This has been a long time coming," Sirius said, his voice low and heavy.  "You can't tell me that you don't want a piece of him for what he's done."

"I can tell you and no I'm not saying it to be contrary," Remus said, ignoring Sirius' wounded look.  "Will I forgive him for it?  No, not ever.  However, he has changed much since then, genuinely changed, and there are better things to do than wallow in hate and resentment."

"And what I'm doing is to get rid of my wallowing hate and resentment," Sirius retorted.

"And that is why I haven't stunned you and left you tied up somewhere to get over it," Remus sighed deeply.

A very identical conversation was being had on the other side of the room.

"I do not suppose that you can be made to see reason," Pomfrey asked.

"Answering a challenge is reasonable," Snape said quietly.

Pomfrey rolled her eyes.  "Not answering a challenge is also reasonable.  Saying no to a challenge is also answering a challenge."

"Quite," Snape said, teeth pressed together.

"Do not think to treat me like one of your students," Pomfrey said shortly.  "Especially since the vast majority of your students would pay gold to witness this."

"I appreciate your thoughtfulness," Snape said, the words barely dripping with sarcasm.

"Purely selfish, I assure you.  I finally have you trained in making the potions and creams I need.  Not to mention I am trying to spare myself work in healing the both of you."

"I will keep that in mind," Snape said tonelessly and Pomfrey snorted.

They were at Hogwarts.  During the summer, usually only the instructors and the House Elves were the only ones there with the occasional visit from those with appointments.  Sirius had made good on his promise to make Snape answer for his past crimes and challenged him to a duel.  Snape had agreed readily, just like he said he would during the Horcrux affair.

Dumbledore, after catching word of the duel and finding himself unable to convince either man to refuse the duel, offered Hogwarts as the grounds for the duel.  He and McGonagall and Flitwick made a dueling arena out of one of the larger classrooms, casting many protective spells and wards into the space.

A small group had assembled there.  Sirius stood on one side with Remus beside him.  Snape stood on the other, alone and unbothered by it.  Pomfrey, McGonagall, Flitwick, Dumbledore, and Moody stood against the wall.

"Is there such a need for this?" Dumbledore asked.  "The time for conflict is over.  We all have made mistakes and work to atone for them.  Can we not let the past go?"

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