Chapter 70: Versus the World

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Takes place directly after the last chapter

Diagon Alley buzzed with noise and people.  It was crowded and a general feeling of excitement filled the air.  What was curious was how people looked.  The vast majority of people wore Quidditch jerseys over their robes or instead of them.  Even those that did not wear a jersey had a badge pinned on to their clothing or had a bandanna or something with the colors of Team England on it.  The jerseys were cut the same and all bore England's flag on them though some were colored in red and others in blue and others in black.  Names and numbers were emblazoned on the backs and there was a mix of them though a few were more popular than others.

Dahlia looked around; eyes wide as she saw all the jerseys.  "Wow," she breathed.  "So many people are wearing jerseys!"

"Right?  I've never seen it like this," Katie laughed.  She pushed her way through the crowd easily, carrying Dahlia comfortably.  "Even during regular league games, people wear their favorite team jerseys even if they aren't in the finals.  You see a bit more for the European League finals but nothing like this."

"The World Cup is a bit more prestigious," Alicia said as she walked right behind Katie, carrying Hadley.  "And the excitement bug has bitten everyone."

"And how upset are you by it?" Katie teased.

Alicia grinned.  "I don't hate Quidditch as much as I pretend to.  I played it for years after all and well invested in all of you and Oliver's enjoyment and success.  I just like teasing my husband."

"Daddy likes it too," Hadley said.  "He thinks it's funny."

"See?  We all win," Alicia laughed.

"Poor Ollie," Angelina smiled.  She looked around at the crowds.  "He's a popular jersey choice I see."

"I'm glad they went with Johnson-Weasley for you," Katie said.  "George isn't upset about you being Johnson during the games, is he?"

"Nope and I'm glad.  I didn't think he would and I did ask him before, but he's been great about it.  He likes it 'cause it reminds him of us in school too."

Alicia snorted as they walked through a group of people.  They were not sparing the three mothers and their daughters a second glance which was a surprise with Angelina there.  Angelina was wearing something of a disguise and it was working perfectly.  "I still can't believe it's working."

Angelina laughed.  "Hey, if Rabbit can get away with it, then it'd definitely work for me."  She had a ballcap on and her hair tied in a ponytail.  She also wore a Team England jersey with Potter on the back.  Hailey also wore a small jersey and a ballcap to match her mother.

Katie was taking Dahlia to get her a small trunk for international travel and wanted to get one for the other two girls.  They decided to make a friend trip out of it with their daughters though Angelina had been a little hesitant.  She normally enjoyed interacting with her fans but did not want to be bothered when she was with her daughter, her goddaughters, and her best friends.  Harry had suggested the hats and Alicia said if they wore jerseys with Harry's name, they would just look like enthusiastic fans.  The girls had no problem of course and they had not been bothered once by anyone.

They took their time at Trenton's Transportables and picked out three child-sized trunks for the girls.  George and Fred made three small never-locks for them already for extra security.  After purchasing the trunks, they visited a few other stores to run some errands while they were there and stopped at Florean Forescue's ice cream store to buy some ice cream to take home.  They ended up waiting a little because Florean had given a small sundae to the girls for them to share and the mothers watched smiling as they enjoyed the treat together.

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