Chapter 104: Fishing Frenzy

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Takes place after chapter 93

The sun was rising and it already promised to be a very hot day.  A light breeze blew, keeping the temperature from feeling oppressive or sweltering.  The creek looked cool and inviting in comparison, the greenery around looked vibrant, soaking in the warming sunlight.

"This is one of our favorite fishing spots around the village," Harry said, setting down a few stools and chairs with a flick of his wand.  "The creek is broad here with lots of deeper holes and crannies, lots of places for fish to hide and feed."

"It's a good mix of still water and moving water," Oliver agreed.  "So there's always some fish here no matter what."

"Looks nice," Moody agreed.  He set down a cooler and sat on one of the stools.  "Lots of shade spots and sunny spots.  What do you usually catch here?"

"We've caught dace, bream, and lots of trout here," Harry said.  "Pike too but they're a bit hazardous sometimes.  Carp and eel too."  Harry handed Moody a fishing rod.  "We throw back the smaller ones of course but we catch and eat what we can."

"Sounds good to me," Moody said comfortably.  He raised an eyebrow.  "She looks like she means business."

"Tracy's nemesis lives in these waters," Oliver grinned.

Tracy finished rewrapping the leather grip around her fishing rod and pulled on her gloves tightly.  "I'm going to catch him today.  I swear it!"

"I feel like there's a lot of history," Moody chuckled.

"He's a bastard of a pike," Tracy growled.  "He steals my bait all the damn time and tangles my line in the rocks and roots.  One time, I got a small trout and was reeling it in and the finned fuck eats the trout right off my hook!"

"I like her," Moody smiled while Harry and Oliver chortled.

"And they won't let me use my wand on him," Tracy sniffed, giving Harry and Oliver the salute.

"That defeats the point," Oliver snorted.  

"I said you could the last time," Harry protested.

"No, I'll do it legit," Tracy said.  "And a wand would be too fast."  She baited her hook and threw the line in, eyes watching the bobber with intense concentration.  "Come on out bitch," Tracy said in a sing-song tone, "I'm going to catch you this time.  Justice has come for you!"

Moody chuckled more and handed out small bottles from the cooler.  "Here, have some of this stuff."

"Ooh, I like it," Oliver said, taking a sip.  "What is it?"

"Hefeweizen, a German beer.  Mostly wheat."  Moody took a pull of his own bottle.  "It's got a lighter taste to it."

"Not sure if I should be drinking this early in the day," Harry smiled.

"It's a lighter beer," Moody said, waving his hand.

Harry sipped.  "I'll pace myself.  Oh this is really good, more crisp and fruity.  Probably go great with a sandwich."  Time passed pleasantly as they fished.  "You're looking a lot better, Alastor."

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