Chapter 120: Flying High

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Takes place after chapter 100

"Hey!  Harry!"

Harry turned, looking around.  He smiled when recognized the form approaching him, waving energetically.  "Hey Cedric!"  Harry shook Cedric's hand when he got to him.  "Good to see you, how's it going?"

"I'm doing okay," Cedric smiled.  "How about you?  Awesome catch against Tutshill last week by the way."  He winked.  "Cho wasn't too happy."

"She's never happy with whatever I do," Harry groaned.  "She's still a die-hard Tornado?"

"Yep," Cedric laughed.  "I told her Pates is a decent Seeker but you had him locked down the whole game."

"No, he's good and he's a great person," Harry smiled.  "But like I said, she's never happy with whatever I do, ever since school."

"You know, she still flinches when she sees something white and flying."

"That's not my fault either," Harry laughed.  "Pretty sure."

"I believe it," Cedric said easily.  "So I've been meaning to get ahold of you.  I have a proposition for you.  Think you can arrange another alumni game day at Hogwarts?"

"You could arrange it too," Harry said, bemused.  "The Headmaster would love it honestly, from anyone."

"Well sure but since you have his ear and Professor McGonagall's."

Harry flushed.  "I really don't have their ears," he said with an embarrassed smile.  "She's my Transfiguration Mistress."

"Well that counts for something.  So yeah, if you put your foot in the door I'll chime in and I can get some others I'm sure."

"Feel like playing against the students again?" Harry asked.

"That and against you.  Those games I watched you play at the last alumni day were grand and I'd love to go against you again."  Cedric winked.  "With a slight handicap to account for your professional status and your rank in the League against my nothing status and rank."

"Don't give me that," Harry laughed.  "Fred and George tell me about the friendly League you lot are in."

"Emphasis on Friendly," Cedric smiled.  "But yeah, your team against a team I knock together.  How's that sound?"

"I'll have to ask the Headmaster and the Team but that sounds like fun to me," Harry said thoughtfully.  "Of course, that means you guys have our number to train against and we don't even know who we're going against."

"You'd have more active professional players from our era," Cedric said.

"I suppose.  I'll send you a message later so we can go over details."  Harry winced.  "Through Hedwig."

"I'll be on the lookout then and warn Cho," Cedric laughed.


"Ooooh you know, that does sound like fun," Katie said later after Harry returned home.  "I've missed playing with Angelina and Alicia.  I know how hard Angelina's worked through the years and now I watch her play and practice a lot, and practice with her, but it's super intense and fun to Chase with her.  And Alicia isn't as active really but she's still tricky and is there for the passes and all."

Harry was lying on the ground, letting Iris crawl over him.  "That was easily one of the best days of Quidditch ever, playing with the Team again.  I know we play here at home all the time but as a team in a somewhat serious game is really nice."

Katie smiled when Harry lifted Iris up and the baby squealed happily.  "I'm all for it.  Let's get pizza for dinner for everyone and ask the others.  I doubt they'll say no."

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