Chapter 26: Weasley Weekend

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Set after Harry and Katie's wedding but before Dahlia was born.

Katie looked up from her book.  "What's wrong with Hedwig?"

Hedwig looked at Katie, head tilted in confusion.

Katie tilted her head to match Hedwig's.  "Wait, you're not making any noises.  What's making that hooting noise?"

"Oh the mirror," Harry said and got up from the couch.  "I found a charm that matches a sound to someone calling on the mirror and the majority of people have a special Hedwig call sound."

"Oh that's fun," Katie said.  "So whose call sounds like Hedwig gagging?"

"Fred or George," Harry said as he walked back with the mirror.

Katie giggled.  "Showing your disdain for their antics huh?"  Her giggles turned into laughter as Hedwig nodded wearily, rolling her large eyes.

Harry plopped down on the couch and answered it.  "Hey George, what's up?"

George smiled.  "What are you two doing this weekend?"

"We didn't have plans really but I guess we do now."  Katie leaned in.  "What are we doing this weekend?"

"Come over to the Burrow!  It's going to be a Weasley weekend.  All the Weasleys are coming home for the first time in ages."

"Aww that sounds lovely," Katie said.  "Isn't that more of a family thing though?"

"Well Harry's basically a black-haired Weasley and since you're married to him, you're an honorary Weasley too so you two need to come."

"Thanks!"  Harry sounded incredibly touched.  "Yeah, we'll be there!"

"Awesome!  Mum will be chuffed for sure.  It'll be a lot of fun."

"Should we dye our hair?" Katie asked.  "I know I look weird as a red-head but Harry might be able to pull it off."

"As funny as that would be, not necessary."  George made a face.  "Especially if you two start being gross and stuff."

"Gross like this?"  Katie took Harry's face and started kissing him messily.

"GROSS!" George shouted.  "MY EYES!  SEE YOU SATURDAY!"  He disappeared from the mirror, and the reflections of a laughing Harry and Katie appeared.

"That'll be fun," Harry said enthusiastically.  "I haven't gotten to talk to Bill or Charlie that much."

"And with Angelina there, we might have some Quidditch games.  We should bring our brooms in case."  Katie pushed Harry down and sat on top of him.  "So, what noise does the mirror make when I call on mine?"

"Something very lovely," Harry said evasively.

Hedwig started hooting loudly and urgently flapping her wings and hopping from talon to talon.

"Hedwig!" Harry groaned.  "Not cool!"

"That's my call sound?!" Katie gasped, poking Harry in the chest.

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