Chapter 162: Behind the Scenes

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Takes place all over the timeline once more, with the first instance starting in chapter 58

"It's so shiny in here!" Sirius shouted loudly. "No wonder it's called Shine!"

"I am so sorry," Harry said, looking very weary and slightly mortified.

The greeting wizard that was immaculately and fancily dressed smiled pleasantly though his eyes twinkled ever so slightly with understood mirth. "Quite all right Mister Potter," he said in a professionally kind voice. "When the party's nature was made clear, we assumed certain behavioral patterns would be occurring. Worry not, he is behaving within an acceptable range."

"Don't say that out loud," Harry begged, "he'll take it as a challenge!"

The night had started pleasantly enough. It was Sirius' bachelor party and the participants: Sirius, Remus, Harry, Ted, Thomas, Sebastian, David, and Arthur, had met at Grimmauld before going to Diagon Alley together. They went to a very nice restaurant there to eat and drink and after finishing, Sirius decided to go and party more. He had contacted Shine on Luxurious and the owner had said their private room was available for them. So they party trooped there in varying degrees of inebriation with Harry being the least.

Thankfully Sirius had contained himself after the initial outburst and the men were led to the small private room and they continued to carouse and drink and laugh together.

"I'll take the bill," Harry said to the greeting wizard and the owner who had come to say hello. "Also, one of the party is a Muggle. I hope that isn't a problem."

"Not at all," the owner said smoothly. "I assume he is the most well-behaved one of the lot right now, not counting yourself?"

Harry grinned at that. "Not an unsafe assumption.

The owner chuckled. "Lord Black is a regular and I know his coffers can cover whatever that happens should the need arise."

"Uncle Ted is a solicitor and already told me something," Harry sighed. "I don't know why, but he did."

"Splendid." The owner looked at Harry. "I would love to ask a boon of you later, before you leave."

"Sure," Harry said. "Thanks for squeezing us in."

"It is our pleasure," the owner said and he and the greeting wizard left them to their party. The night continued with the others getting steadily drunker and Harry relaxed a little, just enjoying the company and seeing them being debaucherously happy.

The door slammed open and Thaddeus Nott stood in the doorway with a few others dressed in very expensive robes. Nott glared at them all, looking incredibly irritated.

"Hey, you weren't invited," Sirius said, turning belligerent. "Get out."

"This is my room," Nott hissed.

"Not right now it is," Sirius shot back.

"I am so sorry." A witch that worked for Shine appeared and looked very upset. "They refused to listen to me when I said the room was taken. Mr. Bradbury is with another VIP and I couldn't find the assistant manager…"

"Not your fault," Harry said gently, giving Nott and his friends a wary look. They were obviously sizing up Sirius and the others and the air was thickening, growing tense. "I'll try to keep things calm but try to get them please."

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