Chapter 140: A Day in Magical Cooperation

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Takes place before Chapter 88

He woke just before the alarm did, a habit at this point.  He blinked slowly, his mind clearing, and then waking fully when the alarm started to chirp.  A yawn broke out of his lips and he rose and stopped the alarm in one combined motion, reaching for his glasses.  The yawn continued as he walked slowly to the bathroom, blinking slightly more rapidly.

Percy looked at himself as he cleaned his teeth and did his usual morning routine.  He looked as he usually did, thin features but not overly so.  Red hair cut short and neat, barely needing the comb.  A hint of dark circles under his eyes bespoke of long hours and hard work but he did not mind them that much.  A part of the job.

He dressed in neat robes of black and grey over a plain white shirt and a plain black tie.  Breakfast was the usual: toast and a single egg fried hard and a cup of juice, and he was gone after cleaning the kitchen with a wave of his wand.  30 steps took him out the door and down the steps and onto the street.  As per usual, the street was still fairly light since it was still early.  He lived in an area where many of the residents there worked for the Ministry or on Diagon and while there were some Muggles around, the magicals were the majority as well as ones used to living near Muggles.

The area had their own permanent apparition point and he took it, reappearing at one established at the Ministry.  50 steps took him to the security point and he waited for the security guard to check him through.

"Mornin' Mr. Weasley," the guard said pleasantly, waving a metal rod with a flat panel on top over Percy's wand.

"Good Morning, Mr. Wash," Percy replied pleasantly.

"You can call me Eric," the guard said, amused.

"One day I am sure I will," Percy said with a small smile.

"I'm lookin' forward to it," Eric said.  "You're good.  Have a good day."

"You too."  Percy took his wand and walked off with purpose, already running through the day's tasks in his mind.  Also as per usual, he was the first to the Department of Magical Cooperation, opening the door and turning the lights on.  He entered his office and looked over everything with a practiced and careful if slightly hurried eye.  Seeing everything as he left it the day before, he nodded and began the work for the day.


Percy stifled a groan, seeing a name glow on the schedule he had pinned to a tablet on his desk.  He recognized the name and had either forgotten who he was meeting with, or purposely blocked out the name if truth be told.  Steeling himself, he opened the small communication Floo and tried to look as professional as possible.  "Hello, Mr Bashir," he said as politely as possible.

"Weatherby," Ali Bashir said shortly.  He was an older man with small unfriendly eyes and a sour disposition."

"Weasley," Percy corrected for the 7th time.  "What can I do for you?"

"I want to talk to the Department head, not the deputy."

"I understand that, but Madam Abbott is not in today, and as deputy, I have her authority for meetings."  He smiled blandly at Bashir's look of displeasure.  "Now, what can I do for you?"

"I have a complaint, with someone else in your Ministry," Bashir said with an ugly look.  "It is impacting relations with my government and it needs to be rectified."

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