Chapter 13: Channeled Legacy

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This is set in first term, Harry's seventh year

"What's got you so happy?" Hermione asked.

Harry put the letter down, his lips curled in a smile that was a touch too broad to be innocent.  "Oh just a letter from Captain."

"Oliver?  Good news then?"

"I was picking his brain over his past practices and making sure I wasn't looking through them with rose-tinted glasses and nostalgia."

Hermione frowned.  "What are you on about?"

"Let's just say the team took the mickey out on me during try-outs and I decided that the first team practice should be...rigorous."

Hermione smiled.  "Rigorous?"

"One might say, inspired even."

Hermione tried to hide her smile.  "Oh no."

"Remember the time you got mad at Oliver for when I passed out in the common room first year?"  Harry's smile turned malicious.

"Oh those poor lambs," Hermione laughed.  "I'm going to enjoy watching this, aren't I?"

"Let's just say that it'll be good that we don't sleep in the tower anymore after practice," Harry laughed.


Ron blinked slowly, confused.  He shivered lightly, trying to pull up his covers but could not find them.  He woke fully when he realized that Harry was sitting beside his bed.  "Bloody hell!  What are you doing?!"

"Waking you up for practice."  Harry looked disgustingly awake and fresh.

"Practice?  What time is it?" Ron asked, shaking his head.

"Just a bit after 6:30."

"You maniac!  It's Saturday!"

"And it'll be a nice early start for the day!  On your feet Ron.  You got ten minutes to get ready and then head to the pitch.  I already have a light breakfast waiting.  Up you get.  If you go back to sleep, I'll send Hedwig to wake you up."

Ron knew that was no idle threat.  He started swearing, glaring at Harry as he rose.  Harry smiled and left the dorm room, ignoring his friend's words.

Ron made it down the stairs a little after ten minutes, still pulling his practice clothes on.  He found Jimmy waiting in the common room, yawning and blinking slowly.  "How'd Harry wake you?" Ron asked.

"Shook me a while and told me he'd enchant my bat to follow me around all day if I took too long," Jimmy said.

Ron felt cold.  "Oh.  Oh no."


"That sounds like something Wood said and did to the twins once."

"Wood?  The old captain?"

Ron nodded.  "I think we're in trouble."


"Wood's practices were a little...intense.  The twins used to complain about them a lot."

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