Chapter 105: Simmering and Strengthening

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Takes place after chapter 110 of Family

Alicia looked around the tiny flat.

She was alone.  A scant few days after her graduation from Hogwarts, she stood in utter silence.  The flat was very small.  She stifled a snort.  Her room at the Spinnet estate was bigger than the entirety of the flat.  Not only was it bigger, it had more furniture and things, it was more open and opulent.

However, this flat was solely hers.

She turned when she heard knocking.  A quick look through the peephole made her relax and she opened the door.  "I thought you were leaving for an international game trip."

Oliver smiled and held up a bouquet and vase.  "I'll be leaving in an hour but wanted to drop by with this first."

Alicia's smile was smaller but just as sincere.  "Well, since you brought something, come in."

Oliver walked in and looked around.  "It's nice," he said genuinely.  "Small but cozy.  It'll be a good...lair?  Is that how you described it last time?"

Alicia giggled.  "Yes, this will be my lair."  She took the flowers and vase from him and put it on the small table beside her bed.  "More forget-me-nots?"

"I'll be gone for a bit and don't want you to forget."

"I haven't been able to in all the years I've known you."

He smiled and buffed his nails on his shirt.  "I make a good impression."

"Like a Bludger to flesh," Alicia said dryly.

"Something like that," he chuckled.

She looked at him.  "Are you going to try and convince me to move in with you sooner?"

He shook his head.  "No.  While I'd love to have you with me, I get why you're not doing that right now."

She released a breath.  "Thank you," she said quietly.  She melted in his arms when he wrapped them around her.  "Thank you for listening."

"Despite me not looking like it, I always listen to you."

"You do not.  You hear, not listen," she said back, smiling into his chest.

"There's the difference," he said with a soft smile.  He sobered a little.  "You want to talk about it?"

She sighed again and gently pushed her way free.  "What is there to talk about?  Father refuses to involve himself in the minutiae.  Mother still says I am betraying the family.  Tyler is jealous and is harboring a grudge.  And my aunts and uncles on either side have their own opinions."

"I'm sorry," Oliver said sorrowfully.

"Thank you," she said quietly.  "However, for once, you are not the source of my discontent."

"Thank goodness," he said with a gusty sigh, making her giggle once more.  "Well, I'll send you messages a plenty while I'm on the international tour and Mum wanted me to tell you she expects you to visit her weekly if not every few days.  She also knows where you are and won't hesitate to come fetch you."

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