Chapter 139: New Traditions

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Hello everyone, hope all are doing well.

I had two more commissions done and wanted to share them today. One is the symbol for Hedwig's Highflyers and the other is Harry's symbol for the Windrider. I'm also sharing the cover art again because it makes me happy.

I want to wish everyone a very Merry or Happy Christmas and holiday. My best to you. Have a lovely weekend!

 Have a lovely weekend!

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Takes place after chapter 60

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Takes place after chapter 60

"Mummy, what are our family traditions?"

Katie looked up at Dahlia, cradling a gurgling Iris in her arms.  "What do you mean, flower?"

"I was talking with Hailey and Hadley and they were talking about family holiday traditions," Dahlia said.  "'Cause it's almost Christmas."

It was true.  Winter was firmly here and was making its presence known outdoors.  The wind howled and snow was driven across the landscape.  Large mounds of snow grew on the ground and the windows rattled a little from the force of the wind.

The house was perfectly warm and cozy though, immune to the winter outdoors.  Through the window and the storm, they could see the other homes in the village, name yet to be determined.  Lights twinkled prettily and cheerily through the snow and the gloom, a reminder that friends and family were within sight.  This was their first winter and holiday season at the village, and while the weather was frightful, things within were cozy and bright.

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