Chapter 106: Feathered Avenger

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Starts during Harry's sixth year, starting around chapter 121 of Family

"Since you have a patrolling partner, do you really need me along?" Padma asked with a big smile.

Harry chuckled and reached up to scratch Hedwig's belly. "I don't mind if you need the time to do something else."

"No, I don't want to be fussed at by the Head Girl," Padma laughed. "Plus now I get to spend some time with Hedwig too."

Hedwig cheeped thickly, looking plump and proud.

"Don't talk with your beak full," Harry chided her gently.

"What is she eating by the way?"

"A newt." Harry grinned. "She's been eating them as snacks more often and sitting on my head to transfer the positive energies."

"Because of N.E.W.T.s?" Padma smiled. "That's so sweet of you," she cooed to Hedwig.

"She sure is the best," Harry agreed.

"Besides, I enjoy patrolling with you. Terry got a girlfriend and she's all he wants to talk about these days. I'm happy for him but I can only withstand so much terrible poetry." She flushed, "Please don't tell him I accidentally let that loose."

Harry bit back a laugh. "I won't. Good for him though. And maybe he can get better at poetry."

"I hope so, for his and her sake. I'm not that close to the fifth year prefects. For the seventh years, Daniels is okay, snooty and quiet though and for a Ravenclaw, that's saying something. Cho has been really hard to get along with lately though."


"Yeah. She's under a lot of pressure with all the N.E.W.T.s she's taking and then adding Quidditch responsibility on top."

"Ah, sorry," Harry said sheepishly. "That's partially on me."

"Not really. I mean, yeah, you guys won your game but there's always going to be a loser and a winner." Padma shrugged. "It's not just that. She has something to say about your 'girls'. Whatever that means."

Harry sighed. "Last year, Angelina gave her the eye after trying to Wronski Feint me into the ground."

"You mean when she tried to plow you?" Padma's eyes twinkled.

"No, not that," Harry laughed. "But yeah, Angelina gave her the eye and so did Alicia and this year when she said I didn't have my girls to hide behind, Katie decided to punish her for saying that."

"Oh Cho," Padma sighed. "She's a lovely person most of the time but loses her mind when it's related to Quidditch."

"I don't know anyone else like that," Harry deadpanned and they laughed. "I don't mind really."

"Well sadly, you're the target of her ire lately. She's been a bit rude when she talks about you. Don't worry. Michael, Terry, and I think you're swell and Luna doesn't tolerate it at all. She's been fighting with Cho over it too so Cho doesn't try to say anything when Luna's about. The firsties and secondies you've tutored like you too."

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