Chapter 107: Happier than a Hog in 'Smeade

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Takes place at the beginning of Harry's fourth year, after chapter 78 of Family

"Oh hey, first Hogsmeade trip is this weekend," Alicia said, looking at the board in the Gryffindor common room.

"Oh good, might as well make a day of it," Angelina said. "Since no Quidditch to practice for." She huffed and shook her head.

"It sure is sad," Alicia said, sounding anything but sad. She snickered at Angelina's look. "I'll get the first round at the Three Broomsticks, okay?"

"Fine," Angelina sighed. "Katie, you coming with us?"

"I want to study a bit for O.W.L.s," Katie said thoughtfully. "Maybe I'll wake up early and study till lunchtime, then meet you at the Broomsticks?"

"That will be good, get some good studying done and then enjoy the afternoon and evening," Alicia said.

"You said you'd get me candy!" Lyla cried.

"I'll get it in the afternoon!" Katie replied.

"But all the good candy will be gone!"

"You don't know that," Katie sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Harry, will you please get me candy before it's all gone?" Lyla pleaded, flinging herself onto him and looking at him with huge eyes.

"Hey! Don't pester him like that!" Katie chided, growling when Lyla stuck her tongue out at her.

"I suppose I could," Harry chuckled.

"Don't feel compelled to spoil her," Katie sighed again.

"But she looks so sad when I don't."

"You're such a brat," Katie hissed at Lyla.

"Oh hey, this will be your first time going to Hogsmeade," Angelina said. "We can show you around!"

"Well, actually-" Harry began.

"First official and rule-abiding time," Alicia said loudly, giving him a look. "And that will be fun. We can show you the best stores and explore."

"Yeah, that does sound like fun!" He patted Lyla's back. "Don't worry, we'll go get candy first."

"Don't worry, we'll get you candy too before it's all gone," Angelina said, patting Katie on the back. She, Alicia, and Harry howled with laughter at the remarkably similar looks of indignation on Katie's and Lyla's faces.


"Don't we want to go early to beat the crowd?" Harry asked. He, Angelina, and Alicia descended the steps into the foyer of the school.

"I've learned that there's no real best time to go," Alicia said. "There're always people that go later because they do not want to get up early on a Saturday. Plenty of people want to go early to beat the crowd which results in a big crowd waiting to leave the gate and get on the carriages. Mid-morning during breakfast is usually a good time, I've found."

"If the weather's nasty then you can sort of guess based on how it is at the moment," Angelina said. "Like if there's a lull then people scramble to leave while it's like that. When it's pouring or snowing, you can go whenever. You'll get drenched or frosted of course."

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