Chapter 112: Drive

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Takes place after chapter 80 of The Family that Chooses You

"Where's Angelina?"

Alicia sighed softly.  "Where do you think?"

Katie sighed too.  "I thought the pitch was off limits right now with them changing it for the First Task."

"It is.  She petitioned to have a set of hoops set up on the other side behind the castle and they did that."

Harry looked at the two girls.  "They did?  That was nice of them, even if it's only one set."

"Some of the sixth and seventh years went with Angelina and together they convinced the Headmaster.  It's for them to practice and what not before they do those camps to show off to the League scouts." Alicia shook her head.  "So Angelina's there driving herself mad."

"At least she'll still have next year," Katie said, "not to mention the camps this year like she mentioned too."

"Right, but you know how she can get sometimes," Alicia sighed once more.  "I feel for her, I do.  But sometimes it's best to let the stone-headed chicken bash its aggression out on a wall lest you become the target of its ire."

"I'm telling her you called her a chicken," Katie smiled.

"A stone-headed chicken," Alicia amended with her own smile.  "I've called her worse to her face."

The girls lapsed into silence for a moment.  "Say, where did baby bird go?" Alicia asked, realizing that Harry had been extra quiet.  When she looked up, she saw that he was gone.

Katie looked around a little before smiling once more.  "He's off doing what he does best."

"Get into trouble and scare the living daylights out of us while driving us mad from worry?"

"Okay, he's off doing the other thing he does best."


Angelina swore loudly as her shot missed.  She dove and fumbled the recovery catch, swearing even louder as the Quaffle tumbled away and hitting the ground.  She flew down, skimming the earth and snatched the red ball up.  Turning tightly, she nearly slipped off from the bad angle and the speed, and hastily shot again.  She ground her teeth as the Quaffle sailed neatly between two of the hoops.

"Bloody sodding hell!" she shouted.  She floated there, fuming, resisting the urge to cross her arms.  After several shuddering breaths that did nothing for her temper, she looked down for the Quaffle, growing confused when she did not see it.  She started when the ball came sailing to her and she caught it easily.

"Hi," Harry said, flying up to her on his broom and also wearing his practice gear.

"Hi Rabbit," Angelina said.  She sighed, feeling disgruntled and partially did not want him there to see her so upset.  She blinked when he wheeled around her and took ready position at the goal hoops.  "What are you doing?"

"Helping you practice.  I need the exercise too.  Hermione said I was getting pudgy."

Angelina smiled despite herself.  "She did not."

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