Chapter 16: AU: Hardwork, Tenacity, Awesome, Part 1

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This starts before the Yule Ball Fourth Year with a few different changes in the prior years

"Hey George, can I talk to you for a bit?"

George gave Harry a look.  For some reason, the younger boy was looking quite nervous.  Being approached nervously was nothing new for George.  Very few approached him without some form of trepidation.  The Chasers did not of course, Percy was usually exasperated, Ginny fearless, his mother was one of the few people George approached with nervousness.  Harry usually never looked like that when it came to him or Fred.

"Yeah of course Harry.  Should Fred be there?"

Harry shook his head.  "No, just you if that's okay."

George smiled inwardly.  Now he had an idea of what was going on and it delighted him.  However, he kept his face placid, solemn even.  He nodded seriously.  "Right on.  Let's find somewhere to chat then."  They walked around until they found an empty classroom and George threw up a privacy charm after locking the door.  "What's on your mind Harry?"

Harry rubbed his neck.  "Uh, well, I wanted to ask you something and I hope you won't be mad."

George sighed.  "I knew this was coming."

Harry froze.  "You did?" he squeaked.

George nodded sadly.  "I did.  I always expected it really."

"You did?!"

"It was inevitable."  He put his hands on Harry's shoulders.  "Harry, I'm really flattered, but I'm not interested in blokes.  Not that there's anything wrong with it, far from it.  I'm just glad you came to me, the handsomest Weasley."

Fear became annoyance and Harry gave George a flat look that sent the older boy into hysterics.  "You're funny," Harry said flatly.  "A real riot.  You suck."

"I couldn't resist," George laughed, wiping tears of merriment away.  "You should have seen your face!"

Harry could not help but join in with the laughter.  "You're really funny."  His smile turned sharp.  "Fred's funnier though."

"You take that back!"

"No really, it's close.  He's just a tiny bit funnier than you, just barely noticeable.  His joke about the leprechaun and the thestral is really funny."

"That's my joke!"  George pushed Harry into a desk, grinning wryly.  "Alright, guess I deserved that."

"Yeah you did," Harry laughed.  "Here I am, coming to talk to you all serious like you and had to mess with me."

"What can I say?  It's my second nature to mess with serious people."  George flopped onto a chair and kicked his legs up onto a desk, leaning back.  "What's up Harry?"

Harry sighed.  He became nervous again but the joke from before had relaxed him a little.  "Feel free to tell me to stop talking if you want and seriously no hard feelings.  I really wanted to talk to you and know what's going on but I feel like I'm stepping beyond my bounds and I asked Sirius what to do and his advice was honestly horrific and-"

"Harry, breathe," George laughed.  "It's me, George.  I trust you ickle brudder.  Come on, out with it."

Harry took a deep breath.  "Are you planning on asking Angelina to the Ball?"

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