Chapter 101: Stone Soup

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Takes place after chapter 73

"...and then they left, fuller in both body and heart with a valuable lesson for all."  Luna smiled while the bunnies clapped in appreciation for her storytelling.  "Does anyone have any questions?"

"Was the stone magic?" Hailey asked.

"I do not believe so.  It is a Muggle story but they have plenty of stories that include magic, even though many do not believe magic exists.  It certainly is possible, but I think it was the strangers' way of contributing to the communal soup."

"But you're not supposed to eat stones," Hadley argued.  "If it isn't a magic stone or a spice stone, then they didn't contribute fairly at all."

"That is certainly one perspective," Luna said seriously.  "I can see how some would assume that the strangers tricked the village-folk by not contributing edible food.  However, they were also instrumental in convincing the rest of the village to contribute and share and thus imparting a valuable lesson about being kind and generous with one another."

"But that happened after they ate the soup when everyone else contributed before they did," Hadley said.

"We would have to dive into the mindset that the ends justify the means to fully explore that but I do think you three are still a bit young for that kind of discussion," Luna said.  She smiled at their blank looks.  "I do not disagree with you completely, Hadley.  It is fine to question the magnitude of contributions and their timeliness.  In time you will learn how to put value into things."

"I wonder what it tastes like," Dahlia said.  "They put a lot of good soup things in it."

"It did sound good," Luna agreed.  "Perhaps one day we will be able to discover for ourselves."

After some more chatting, the three girls hugged their auntie Luna goodbye and left her home.  They walked down the lane towards their own homes, enjoying the brisk afternoon breeze.  Autumn was coming and the air was already turning frosty despite the waning sunlight.

"This is good soup weather," Hailey said, shivering slightly.

"I like soup in all weather," Hadley said, pulling her hat down a little farther on her head.

"Even when it's hot?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah!  Soup is good."

"That's weird."

"Mummy said I got it from Daddy.  He drinks hot chocolate all year long."

"I don't think I've ever tried hot chocolate in the summer," Hailey said thoughtfully.  "I like chocolate all the time though.  Is cold chocolate a thing?  Like a cup of cool melted chocolate?"

"There's chocolate milk," Hadley said.  "That's probably the closest thing."

"I do like chocolate milk," Hailey said.  She flushed when her stomach grumbled.  "Now I'm hungry."

"Hey I know, let's make stone soup," Dahlia said with a big smile.

"I don't want to eat stones," Hadley grimaced.

"Well they didn't eat the stones in the story.  Eat everything but the stone," Dahlia replied.

"Papa Harry doesn't come home until later though," Hailey said mournfully.  "And I'll die from starvation before that."

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