Chapter 157: Speaking Six, Return of the Hedwig

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Full Chapter Title:

Chapter 157: Speaking Six, Return of the Hedwig (but she never left and will never leave ever)

As per tradition, all over the timeline with the first part starting in chapter 131

"I don't know if it's the fact that this baby is number three, but I'm not that uncomfortable," Katie said, rubbing her abdomen lightly.

Harry smiled as he watched Dahlia run around with Iris chasing her. "Or maybe our first two are especially energetic."

"That too," Katie laughed. She smiled when Hedwig fluttered over and settled on her stomach. "Thank you, pretty lady," Katie said, rubbing Hedwig's belly. Hedwig cheeped and wiggled comfortably on Katie's stomach, fluffing up. "This one does feel a bit more calm."

"I think so too," Hedwig cheeped lovingly. "He's not nearly as bouncy as Star Flower and Bright Eye. Thank goodness for that honestly."

"Thank goodness," Harry said and he and Katie laughed. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Is this about what Coach called you for today?"

"Yup." He walked over and handed her the scroll. Katie unfurled it and held it open behind Hedwig and the owl's head turned around so she could read with Katie. After Katie finished, she looked at Harry with sparkling eyes. "That's so cool! You're doing it."

"That's my Chick!" Hedwig hooted happily.

Harry laughed. "Just like that?"

"Just like that," Katie said and Hedwig nodded in agreement.


"It'll take a lot of my time and energy though," Harry said slowly.

"Oh please. Third baby. And I'm not even that far along yet. Plus we got everyone to help and I do mean everyone. Once you tell McGonagall about it, she'll stop your mastery work willingly. This is an amazing opportunity; you have to do it!" Katie's smile was broad and proud and Hedwig nodded emphatically.

"Everyone must recognize your majesty and ability in the air as well as recognizing that you are only so because of me," Hedwig barked.

Harry grinned. "You're the best, you know that?"

"I do," Katie smiled. "Plus this is going to be amazing to watch." She laughed. "You already won the title in the Village, why not make it official on a grander scale?"

"You know this will encourage me to do things you normally don't approve of, right?" he asked.

Katie frowned slightly. "Okay, well, you can do it carefully." She snorted at Hedwig's flat look. "More carefully than normal," Katie amended.

"You know better than to think that," Hedwig sighed.

"I'll try," Harry smiled.

"I've heard that before," Katie laughed.

"Me too," Hedwig sighed even louder and heavier.

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