Chapter 31: A Bountiful Harvest

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Takes place before the final chapter of Family

"Do we have a special V.I.P. or something?" a medi-wizard asked.

"I don't know, why do you ask?" Healer Sita Patil replied.

"I just saw one of the private waiting rooms being used and it's a big one.  And there seems to be a lot of people in it."

Sita looked down the hall to where the medi-wizard pointed and smiled.  "Oh, well yeah you can say it's for a V.I.P. of sorts.  Healer Bell's daughter is having her baby tonight."

"Oh that's wonderful!  Didn't know her daughter warranted this kind of treatment though."

"She does when she's the wife of Healer Tonks' basically adopted son.  Besides, Katie, Samantha's daughter, is a friend too and a sports healer."

"Oh!  She's married to Harry Potter, right?"

"That's right.  And when their friends and family came in to wait for them, there were so many of them we opened up the room for them."

"Wow, they have a lot of well-wishers," he said admiringly.

"You have no idea."


Angelina walked into the room.  "Still nothing?"

"Still nothing," Alicia sighed.  "Are the babies okay?"

"Yup, Mum just couldn't find something and that's why she was looking for me.  She said the girls are doing just fine and we don't have anything to worry about.  Besides you know, the obvious."

Lyla looked at her mother.  "We don't have anything to worry about, right?"

Samantha hugged her.  "Nothing at all.  It's barely been a couple hours since her water broke and you two took your sweet time.  So it's probably the baby being lazy."  Samantha smiled at Lyla's expression.  "St Mungo's hasn't lost a mother or a child in years and Healer Grey is the best childbirth and childcare healer in the country.  We have nothing to worry about."  She fished out a small slate from her pocket.  "Not to mention we have these."

"What're those?" Tonks asked.  She chewed on her thumbnail, her hair slowly shifting colors.

"Emergency tablets," Andromeda said.  "Whenever an emergency happens, the ones with experience or specializations are alerted.  We have ours tied into the local Department master tablet so we can see if one is called."

"I thought you weren't supposed to have those when you're technically off-duty," Sirius remarked.

"I can have you sedated and stuck to a bed if you are going to panic," Andromeda said seriously.  "Apparently your nerves are getting the better of you and you are running your mouth."

"Switch seats with me," Sirius said and moved around Amelia.

"Do you think I won't stop her?" Amelia asked.

"I think she'll spend more time getting around you while I run away," Sirius said frankly.

Ted chuckled and patted his wife's shoulder.  "Take a deep breath dear."

"I will sedate you too," Andromeda said half-heartedly.

"Can you sedate Daphne?" Tracy asked.  "She's starting to wig me out."

Daphne glared at her.  "Allow me my pacing, it soothes me."

"It wigs me out."

The door flew open and everyone turned to look.  Tanya and Shelia walked in and stopped, intimidated by everyone staring.  "We just heard," Tanya said.  "We came over as fast as we could."

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