Chapter 75: Anniversary

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Takes place a year after chapter 143 of Family

"Hey Katie?"

"Yes Lyla?"

"You left a notebook thing here on the table and it's open-" Lyla yelped when Katie came rushing into the sitting room and dove for it, landing over her and closing it with a snap.

"What the hell?!" Lyla grunted.  "What is your problem and get off me!"

"Shh!  It's a secret!" Katie hissed back, her face bright red.

"From who?!"

"Harry!"  Katie smiled and tried to look as nonchalant as possible while lying over Lyla and trying to hide the notebook under them.  Harry walked past them and stopped, turning to look over.

"Is...everything okay?" he asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Yup everything's fine no problems at all how are you?" Katie asked in one breath, smiling winningly.

"I'm okay," Harry said, bemused.  "You okay Lyla?"

Lyla glared at her older sister before smiling herself, the expression becoming vindictive.  "Oh yeah, I'm great.  I'm just helping Katie here.  She thinks she gained some weight and I told her to prove it."


Harry chuckled.  "Wouldn't a scale or something be better?  Or a charm?"

"It's how we've always done it," Lyla shrugged.  "She used to jump on me all the time and I'm fairly attuned to it by now.  Calibrated you might say."

"You used to do the same!"

"I'm the little sister, of course I did!"

Harry's chortles cut through their angry looks.  "It's so nice how close you two are.  Also I don't think you've gained any weight Katie."

"Of course you would say that," Lyla sighed.  "You're too nice to her."

Harry continued to laugh as he walked away, stepping into the kitchen.  Katie watched him go and waited for him to hum before she pinched Lyla's leg.  "You're such a bitch!"

"You're the one that jumped on me!"  Lyla pinched her back and they both wrestled on the couch some before they fell off and tumbled to the floor with a loud squawk.

"Everything still okay in there?" Harry called out.

"We're fine," the sisters called back.

"I can't believe he bought that though," Lyla said, shoving Katie off.

Katie pushed Lyla over again when the younger girl sat up.  "He's used to us being weird."

"Oh right, the lasso thing."  Lyla sat up.  "Now are you going to explain why you're being stupid?"

"Not now because you're being a brat," Katie said and made a rude gesture, shaking her fingers in Lyla's face.  "EWWW!  LYLA!"

Harry peered back into the sitting room.  "Why are you trying to smother Lyla now?"

"She licked my fingers!" Katie shouted indignantly, sitting on Lyla's back and trying to mash her face into a pillow.

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