Chapter 56: Professor Potter

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Takes place a year after chapter 19

"One could say you owe me."

Harry's eyebrows went up.  "And how did you come to that conclusion?"

"I have given you a quality mastery experience and been flexible with your training, taking your Quidditch duties into account," McGonagall sniffed.

"You knew I was joining the League before you took me on as an apprentice," he argued.

"I was also the major reason you became Head Boy and Prefect."

"You were my Head of House!  Of course you were!"

"I have overlooked considerable instances of Hedwig acting authority."

Harry snorted.  "I'll call her here and you can tell her that."

"Never mind that," McGonagall said, knowing when her bluff was called.  She settled back into the bed.  "I am injured you know."

Harry gave her a look.  "Guilt is unbecoming, Mistress.  Besides, it's not like I caused the accident.  You still haven't told me how it happened by the way."

Harry had been alarmed when he got a message from Andromeda while she was at St Mungo's.  McGonagall had been admitted and had requested seeing him.  Fearing the worst, Harry had gone there immediately and felt immense relief when he saw her chatting amiably with Andromeda.  Shortly right after, the relief became trepidation.

"Guilt is a valuable tool in my arsenal.  I just do not use it on students because most do not feel it towards their instructors."  She smiled at his huff.  "Fine, this goes no further, but the cause of the accident was...well silly."  She flushed at his look.  "Filius brought a new object to the staff room and was demonstrating it.  It got out of control and well," she gestured to the hospital room, "here I am."

"That...okay that's better than what I thought but I'm still confused.  What did he bring?"

She sighed.  "It was an orb that responds to magic.  You can store a spell in it and you banish it at an opponent.  If they are struck by it they receive the effects of the spell.  The goal is to block the orb, replace the spell, then send it back."

Harry blinked.  "You were injured in a game of magical dodgeball?!  With the professors?!"

"Succinctly summarized."

Harry howled with laughter.

"Oh yes, antagonize your Mistress, that is very intelligent of you," she huffed, face red.

"Why are you hospitalized from that?" Harry said, trying to bring his laughter under control.

"Because I did not undo the charms Filius put in and layered mine on top and I missed and received them all and they had some odd results."

Harry laughed harder.  "Why didn't Madam Pomfrey fix it immediately?"

"Because she was caught in the ricochet.  Serves her right for laughing at me," McGonagall growled.

"Well I'm glad it wasn't anything terrible or serious," Harry snorted, wiping tears from his eyes.  "That doesn't explain why I'm here though."

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