Chapter 113: Whiskey Business

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Takes place around chapter 108

"Who's call sound is that?" Katie asked, giggling uproariously.  The sound of musical barking, dog not owl, filled the air and it was set to a jaunty seasonal tune.

"Amelia's," Harry smiled as he took out his mirror.  "I'll explain later.  Hi Amelia, how are you?"

"Hello Harry," Amelia's mirror image said warmly.  "I'm okay, how are you?"

"Oh not too bad.  Relaxing a bit."  He grinned at little Dahlia's eager waving and turned the mirror to show her to Amelia.  "Say hi, Dally."

"Hi gran-meelah!" Dally squealed, waving both arms.

"Hi Dally!" Amelia shouted back, waving her hand energetically as well.  "Are you being a good girl?"

"No!" Dahlia shouted cheerfully.

"Oh?" Amelia said, wrong-footed.

"She is," Katie laughed.  "She just likes to shout no right now to any question."

"Gosh, further cementing the idea that Aurors are essentially children," Amelia said dryly, making Harry and Katie snort.

"I'm telling Dora," Harry grinned.

"I got her a sugar quill the other day and transfigured it to look like a pacifier because she was whining at me over something," Amelia snorted.  "And she ate it that way, walked around the office with it."

"Yeah, that sounds like her," Harry laughed.

"Anyways, speaking of children," Amelia started.  "Wait no not that!" she said hurriedly at Katie's gasp and Harry's look of surprise.  "Not me!"

"Aww," Katie said.

"I'm not ready yet and neither is Sirius," Amelia said.  "But I am referring to him as a child in this case."

"Is something wrong?" Harry asked, worried.

"He's been a bit down lately," Amelia said softly.  "Not like, too upset or anything, but he's been a little aimless I guess.  The Wizengamot is heading into an extended recess and there isn't a lot of need for him in International Co-op.  I think he's getting a bit bored and not being too fulfilled or something like that."

"That doesn't sound good," Harry said.

"It's not too bad yet, but I can tell he's been a bit apathetic.  I'm trying to help him find a hobby or something but my work is pretty chaotic you know and I'm about to go into some longer days with some reviews we're doing and I have to do some personnel restructuring."

She looked at Harry directly.  "Do you mind talking to him or something?  I normally wouldn't ask and I know he wouldn't want me to, but I want him happy and if you don't mind helping, I'd appreciate it."

"Of course.  I'm in my lull time from the League so I can spend more time with him and help him figure something out," Harry said firmly.

Amelia released a sigh of relief.  "Thanks Harry."  She and Katie and Harry made plans to meet for dinner together and the mirror shimmered, her image disappearing and reflecting Harry and Katie and Dahlia once more.  

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