Chapter 152: Then the Storm

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Takes place directly after the last chapter.

There was a palpable energy in the air.

Magic had a distinct feel to it.  When it was strong enough, even Muggles could feel it.  To most it was a tingle, a sense of something else being there.  Others could taste it.  Some could hear it.  Magic had a presence and when more Magicals were there or if a place was so infused with magic, it had a feel and a life to its own.  A feel that could be heightened by emotion.

Trafalgar’s Pitch was not just buzzing, it was humming.  The stands were packed full of eager and excited people.  The air seemed to vibrate from presence, sound, magic, and excitement, all in one.  Not only did England win the last Cup, the returning team was very much the same.  The team went from underdogs to Champions and last time it took a few games for England to build steam and momentum and to develop the faith and following of the watchers.

This time, no build up was needed.

The stands were full of mostly England’s fans.  Some wore the jerseys and paraphernalia they saved from the last Cup run, others wore the newer ones that had barely reached the market before the start of the placement games.  Flags were waved and people sang and chanted the team name and the names of their favorite players.  The sounds were so loud and prevalent, they easily penetrated the stone exterior of the walls and seeped even down into the locker rooms.

Oliver looked over everyone with a sense of deep satisfaction and barely-restrained excitement.  Last time, they were nervous and rightfully so.  Most of them had not played much together, usually against one another.  But they were all united in purpose and found their teamwork and groove swiftly.  Back then, there was a much smaller sense of expectation, knowing that any victory would be a successful World Cup attempt.

This time however, expectations were high.  They were returning Champions and the fact that the team was very similar as their previously successful run was as much a detriment as it was a boon.  Now they were expected to win.  Now people knew that the Cup Championship was not out of their grasp or reach.  They were now the favorites and failure would be even crueler now, the blame would be heavier.

All that said, the team that was there was not buckling under the strain nor the expectation.  They were ready.  They were excited.  They were eager.

They were Champions.

And Oliver Wood loved it.

He whistled loudly and everyone stopped chatting and turned to him, their eyes bright and shining and hungry.  He grinned, his usual easy-going expression with a hint of the same hunger and want and excitement.  “Here it is!” he started.

“The big one!” nearly everyone replied and they all laughed.

“The one we’ve been waiting for,” Oliver continued, his smile from ear to ear.  “The first one we’ve been waiting for, the first of many running to the last.  We’ve worked hard for this.  We did the impossible last time and got England the World Cup for the first time in decades!”  He led the applause.

“Which means, we can do it again,” he said.  “We can be one of the few that not only win it again, but back-to-back!”

“Back-to-back!” the team shouted.

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