Chapter 98: Hidden Strength

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Takes place after chapter 78

Gaelin Gates had been the Warden of the Cells at the Ministry for a long time.

A veteran Auror that served for many years, he took the job to be responsible for those being held in detention in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement seriously. He treated all detainees with a cool professionalism. For the most part, he ignored their crimes. Minor or severe, alleged or convicted, he remained calm with the vast majority of them. Granted, if the crimes were heinous and they were something like the Death Eaters, he relished keeping them under lock and spell and key, looking forward to their punishment.

His reputation preceded him and he was able to stare down potential criminals, solicitors, family members, and Ministry officials with equal detached professionalism. He had weathered threats from all sources and he barely let any bother him or intimidate him. He knew his duty and performed it to the letter.

A knock on the door made him look up. Typically, everyone had to make appointments to see a detainee. There were none scheduled, but this had been an odd day already. "Come in," he said. He looked at the solicitor that walked in with a raised eyebrow. He was familiar with him despite the solicitor not doing many criminal cases.

What he was unfamiliar with, was the look the solicitor wore. It made him pause. He cleared his throat. "Mr. Tonks."

"Warden Gates," Ted returned. His voice was calm, but just barely. "I would like to see my client."

"I was unaware that you were his solicitor," Gates said slowly. "I am under orders that-"

"I was not asking," Ted said, interrupting him.

Gates' eyebrows rose even higher. Ted had never interrupted him before. He opened his mouth but Ted continued.

"I know my client's rights and you know their rights. He will not be denied legal representation and you will not keep me from seeing him. You can either show me where he is and I will see him without delay, or you can stick to orders that I do not find legal and I will burn everything and everyone related to this mess to the ground and keep the ashes to remind everyone what happens when I am denied. Your choice." Ted stared cooly at Gates.

"Follow me," Gates said, rising smoothly from the desk and walking into the hallway. Gates did know how rights worked. He also had a fair idea of what was right and wrong and this situation had pushed his limits somewhat. He would do his duty, as he always had. He also knew when to not go beyond his duty.

The odd day was getting odder and he wanted to be clear of what was coming.


"Harry, thank goodness," Ted sighed when he walked into the cell. "How are you?"

Harry looked up, showing naked relief. "I'm okay, despite the circumstances. How did you know I was here?"

"Your coach contacted me, after you didn't get back to the Port and when others at Skye Market said you were ambushed by a couple of Aurors." Ted looked perplexed. "I also received a strange message from someone I never thought would contact me about the trial this afternoon, but just as well that I did. I ran over as soon as I could. Do you remember the Aurors that brought you in?"

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