Chapter 46: Favor

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Takes place after the birth of the second Potter and before chapter 41

"Babe?  You okay?"

Daphne looked up.  "Hmm?  I am sorry, I was lost in thought."

"I'll say, you were staring at Iris incredibly deeply."

Daphne smiled down at the baby in her arms.  "She is very beautiful."

Tracy grinned, gently tickling Iris Kaylie Potter's belly, making her coo and giggle.  "She sure is.  It's not fair that Harry and Katie have cute babies.  This one looks more like her dad though, poor thing."

"Do not disparage your co-goddaughter," Daphne chided.  She cooed at the baby girl, admiring her soft black hair and bright green eyes.  "She is wonderful."

"Don't say that around Hermione," Tracy said, looking about.

"You and I are married and since Iris is my goddaughter, you have a bit of a claim as one as well.  I can handle Hermione's sense of propriety."  Daphne bounced the baby up and down, smiling widely at her.

"She'll disagree with that," Tracy chuckled.  She sobered.  "Seriously, are you okay?"

Daphne hesitated.  "We will speak later.  I promise."

"I know, whenever you're ready babe."


That night Daphne poured herself a glass of mead and a glass of firewhiskey for Tracy.  "I want to ask Katie."


"About the favor."

"No, I got that.  Whenever you usually want to ask her something you just do it."  Tracy took a sip.  "It's because of Iris, isn't it?"

"Yes," Daphne readily admitted.  "She is so sweet and I know I will dote on her and do anything for her but after her and Dahlia, I want a baby of my own, our own.  I want children with you.  I want our family to grow.  I think we are ready."

"Me too.  We make good money, we have an awesome new house in a great place.  We're ready."

Daphne smiled gratefully.  "Thank you."

Tracy took another sip.  "Just...what happens if Katie says no?"

Daphne sighed deeply.  "Then we will have to go about it the...usual way."

Tracy winced.  "I really hope it doesn't come to that."

"Me too," Daphne whispered.  "Should we...go prepared?"

Tracy rolled the glass in her hands.  "No.  Remember, they're Gryffindors and our friends.  Let's just be honest and hope for the best."

Daphne smiled.  "We would normally never do that."

Tracy's smile matched hers.  "Normally no but I guess they're a bad influence on us."


"You just can't get enough of her either huh?" Katie laughed when she saw Daphne and Tracy.

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