Chapter 95: Reminiscing

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Takes place after chapter 55

Jean stumbled slightly coming through the Floo.  "You know, I've done this a few times now and I still can't quite get used to it."

"Do not feel too bad," Andromeda said kindly.  "There are many magicals that grew up with Floo travel and never got used to it."

"At least I am over my fear of burning alive," Jean laughed.  She stood to one side and half-caught David when he almost fell out of the hearth.

"I don't know which is better," David said ruefully, "Floo or apparition.  Or which is worse."

"A common debate even with us," Andromeda said.  "Ted had many things to say about both as he learned of them."

"Which is his favorite?" David asked.

"He prefers apparition because he does not like to be daubed with soot and ash, so he says.  I may have been terribly unkind and laughed at him the first time he came flying out of the Floo," Andromeda smiled and the other two laughed heartily.  "Thankfully it was one of the first times he ever heard me laugh so freely so he forgave me."

Jean and David followed Andromeda out of the room and down the hall in Grimmauld.  "So, you said the others have been practicing?" Jean asked, rubbing her hands together.

"Yes indeed."  Andromeda blinked at Jean's hungry expression.  "You look like you mean business."

"She's been bit by the bug again," David chuckled.  "She stopped playing for a while but after helping Hermione train for that first game at the village, she's been eager.  The local casino had no idea what they were dealing with."

"Don't make it sound like I have a problem," Jean said, sounding wounded.

"I'm not!  I'm really proud of you actually.  It's great to see all those poker players underestimate you and watch them lose their money."  They entered the room and stopped, looking around.  "This looks like a seedy gambling hall," David laughed.

Sirius grinned around the cigar in his mouth.  "Decided to do some decorating and liked the look of it."  He patted the expansive poker table, the wood gleamed in the lamplight.  The walls had Muggle style pinup gambling posters and they looked oddly out of place, frozen instead of moving like magical pictures.  The surrounding chairs and couches were plush and an expensive looking bar sat against the wall, an array of drinking vessels and bottles on top.

"You look ridiculous," Remus snorted.  "Why are you wearing that green hat?"

Sirius tapped the visor.  "All poker people wear them!"

"Way back then they did," David said.  "To cut down on eye strain from poor lighting.  Bit out of style now and unnecessary."

"Ah, that is why you wear it then," Remus said dryly.  "Out of style and unnecessary are your key words."

"Hey, I stay in style thank you very much," Sirius sniffed.  He conjured a small mirror and preened at his image.

"I am so glad I don't care about makeup and things like that," Amelia sighed.  "Imagine having to fight with you for mirror time when we're getting ready for the day."

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