Chapter 62: Of a Feather

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Takes place just before the end of Harry's fifth year, around chapters 109 and 110 of Family

Ron looked at the hand pie with deep distrust.  Then he looked at his grinning twin siblings with equal if not greater distrust.  "No."

"What?  Why not?" George asked, still grinning.

"It's apple, your favorite," Fred said, still grinning.

"What's wrong with it?" Ron asked.

"Nothing," they said together insincerely.

"Uh huh.  Then why don't you two eat it?"

"There's only one," George said.

"And it's too tiny to split," Fred said.

"So we decided to give it to you."

"Our adorable little brother."

Ron stared at them.  "Riiiiight.  Hey Harry, fruit pie?"

Harry took it.  "Hey thanks.  I'm a bit peckish."

"Don't eat it!" George shouted.

"I knew it!" Ron roared.

Too late.  Harry bit into the pie and swallowed on reflex, startled by George's shout.  A burst of light filled the air, making the Weasley brothers shield their eyes and turn away for a moment.  They looked back and they gasped at the pile of clothing on the ground.

"Did...that wasn't supposed to happen," George said weakly.

"You were going to kill me?!" Ron shouted, punching his brothers.

"We didn't kill him and we weren't going to kill you!" Fred shouted back.

"Where is he?!" Ron yelled.

"And where did he go without his clothes?" George groaned.  "Fred, did you grab the candy from the red box?"

"Yes!  Bottom right section."

"I said bottom left!"

"Oh bugger," the twins said at the same time.

"What does that mean?" Ron asked, worried.

"Uh, well bottom left was a canary crème that we were trying out on people.  It temporarily turns you into a canary," George said.

"What does the bottom right one do?!" Ron asked.

"Uh...I don't know?" Fred said sheepishly.  "It's another transforming one, I know that."

"Shut up," George commanded.  He knelt down, noticing that the pile of clothing was moving.  "I think Harry's still here."  He reached into the clothes and fished about.  "Ah ha!  Gotcha.  Feels like feathers so we weren't that far off thank goodness."  He pulled a small form out and the other two knelt beside him.

"He's an owl," Ron said dumbly.

George held a tiny snowy owl in his hands.  Unlike most snowy owls, he had dark circles around his large emerald eyes and a tiny black feather stood out on the forehead.  The feathers on the top of the head stuck out every which way as well.  The owl looked around, eyes widening with identifiable panic before they focused on George.

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