Chapter 84: Dressed Up and Out

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Takes place during the summer of Harry's seventh year, after chapter 127 of Family.

"You seem to wear those clothes the most when you are home," Andromeda said.

"That's because he loves me the most," Tonks preened.

Harry smiled.  "They are rather comfy," he said.  The shorts and T-shirts Tonks had gotten him three years prior still fit him and he had taken good care of them, despite dueling in them and the other general rough-housing and robust exercises Tonks favored.  They were still in good shape, though faded and well-worn.  At least in this case, they were lovingly worn and wholly from him wearing them.

"You also wear them a lot during the winter," Sirius said, frowning slightly.  "I just realized that."

"They're rather comfy," Harry repeated sheepishly.

"Harry, when was the last time you got new clothes?" Ted asked.

"Last week," he replied easily.

"When we went to Diagon to get you new school robes?"  Andromeda rubbed her temples at his nod.  "When was the time before that?"

"My birthday," Harry said slowly.

"The suit I got you," Ted sighed.

"Harry, have you bought yourself new clothes just to wear for fun and for non-school things?" Sirius asked, dreading the answer.

"Your pajamas are newer and nice," Tonks said.

"Those were gifts from the team," Harry said slower still.

"How have you been here for years now and we never got you new proper clothes?" Sirius groaned.

"I'm capable of getting them," Harry said defensively.  "You don't keep me locked up here and I could easily go to Diagon or a Muggle store."

"So why haven't you?" Ted asked.

"Never thought about it really," Harry shrugged.  "I've been happy with what I've gotten from you and well, you know."

"I mean, it's been a bit since I've seen him wear those things he used to," Sirius admitted.  "I've forgotten about it too since it's been a while."

"We've spent a lot of time doing other things and getting things that are more important," Harry argued.

"Degrees of importance can be debated later.  This has gone on long enough."  Andromeda looked at him with fond severity.  "Tomorrow we are going shopping and buying you a whole new wardrobe."

"That's not necessary, is it?" Harry asked, looking faintly alarmed.

"Utterly necessary.  Clothes make the man," she sniffed.  "And the sooner we get rid of those disgusting...reminders, the better.  We should have fixed this long ago."

"It's your last year at school, gotta look good for it," Sirius smiled encouragingly.

"I'm not a peacock or some kind of fashion model," Harry laughed.

"No but no reason to not look pretty.  Make all the other ladies jealous at how good you look and how unavailable you are.  And you can send Katie handsome pictures," Tonks teased.  She gave him a bawdy wink.  "Maybe some saucy ones."  She laughed when he threw a kitchen towel at her.

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