Chapter 18: AU: Hardwork, Tenacity, Awesome, Part 3

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This starts during winter of Harry's sixth year.

"Mum, we think something's wrong."

Layla looked at her three sons with a raised eyebrow.  "What are you three on about?"

"No really, something's wrong with her," Alex Johnson said.

"She's happy and not fighting with one of us," Benjy Johnson continued.

"And she's wearing a dress, willingly!" Chris Johnson finished.

Layla sighed and rubbed her eyes.  "There's nothing wrong with her and don't any of you start something!  She's already nervous as it is and she will absolutely kill any one if not all three of you if you ruin this for her.  And I'll help her and as for you two," she pointed at Alex and Benjy, "your wives will jump on you too.  So consider this your final warning."

Angelina walked into the kitchen and she frowned at her three brothers.  "What's going on?"

"We were just airing some concerns to Mum," Alex said.

"Yeah, we're worried," Chris intoned.

"About what?" Angelina asked.

Benjy took her hand.  "About you.  We think you're under a spell or a potion or something.  You're way too happy right now."

"Merlin have mercy," Layla sighed.

"Hey, we have a right to be worried over our baby sister," Benjy exclaimed.  "Honestly, your attitude is not your usual one and can you blame us-" he gasped as Angelina tightened her grip on his hand.  "Merlin's balls!  You're crushing my hand!"

Angelina glared as she clenched her hand tighter, sending Benjy to his knees.  "Do not say that about Rabbit!  He would NEVER charm or potion me and I swear I will tear your mangled fingers off one by one and make you eat them!"

"I mean, the last time we saw you wear a dress was when we charmed those ones from Nanna to attack you," Chris piped up.

"I mean, this Rabbit guy must be a saint if he can get Angelina to wear a dress," Alex chuckled.

Layla opened the door, letting the cold winter air in.  Snowflakes blew in too, collecting in the doorway.  At that last comment Angelina had let go of Benjy's hand and head snapped towards Alex.  Realizing that they prodded the dragon too deeply, the three brothers flew out the house screaming with not completely falsified fear with Angelina chasing them in hot pursuit.

Drawn by the noise, Tobias walked in, chuckling at the sight of Angelina chasing her brothers around the snow.  "They started a bit early this year."

"I warned them," Layla said.  "I told them that Angelina has very strong feelings about Harry and yet they decided to mess with her.  I don't think they realized how much stronger she's gotten since she joined Portree."

Aster and Vanessa, Alex and Benjy's wives, joined them at the open door.  "He did it, didn't he," Aster said flatly.

"Guess Benjy's sleeping on the couch tonight," Vanessa smirked.  "I warned him not to bother Angelina."

"That's how they show affection, more's the pity," Tobias chuckled.  "Maybe we should have put a stop to it when they were younger."

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