Chapter 122: Speaking Too, Hedwetric Hoogaloo

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Takes place all over the timeline again, the first instance takes place around chapter 128 of Family

"Who did you want to join tonight?" Fleur asked as she polished off the last bit of wine from the bottle.

"What do you mean?" Colette asked.  "Is something wrong with the spare room?"

"No, but Hedwig is probably coming tonight, it's about time for her every other week flight," Fleur said.  "And she sleeps in that room."

"You're going to let an owl dictate where I sleep?  You've known me for longer!"

"Don't be jealous," Aimee snorted.  "You're not the one making an international trip every other week and we all know there are plenty of personal owls that would refuse the trip and many professional post owls that would refuse it too.  The ones who would make the trip would charge a lot for it."

"Bah!"  Colette made a rude gesture.  "I am a human.  She is an owl.  There is a natural order of things."  She drained her wine glass and rose to her feet.  "And if she doesn't like it, she can deal with it."  Colette threw her hair over her shoulder, almost falling over due to the influence of alcohol, and walked stately and slightly unsteadily to the room and closed the door firmly.

"This will be good," Fleur smiled.  Her smile grew when she heard tapping on the window and she rose and walked over swiftly.  "Hello Hedwig!"

Hedwig came through the window after Fleur opened it and hooted warmly, nuzzling Fleur's hand and nipping her finger lovingly. "Bon soir ladies," Hedwig hooted.

"Did you have a good flight?" Aimee asked when Fleur carried Hedwig over.

Hedwig bobbed her head but stifled a yawn.  "It was fine.  Caught a wind gust that let me coast most of the way." She sighed with relief when the girls removed her harness and stretched before drinking from her water dish and nibbling on some steak in a tired way.  "I didn't rest as much as I normally like to before this flight though.  I was busy doing some other deliveries."

"Would you like to go to bed?  We can make you more food when you wake in the morning," Fleur said.  "There's only one small problem.  Colette took the room.  You can sleep with one of us if you like."

"That is a problem, for her," Hedwig said peevishly.  She flapped and flew to the door, scrabbling with the knob and pulling the door open before flying in.

Fleur and Aimee laughed when they heard Colette screech and Hedwig screech.  Sounds of rustling and pulling and flapping and flailing could be heard and they laughed until tears streamed down their faces.

"Ow!  Stop that!"

"No!  Get out of my room!"

"I will cook you into Coq au Vin you flying chicken!"

"If you did, I'd choke you as the last thing I'd do!  Now get out!  Out I said!"

Colette came flying out of the room and the door slammed behind her.  Colette shook her head and looked up at Fleur and Aimee who were cackling.  Fleur slumped over the couch and Aimee had fallen to the ground, howling.  "Did she literally kick me out of the room?!"

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