Chapter 10: Echoes of Pain

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This takes place immediately after Katie's scream after the duel

Hermione and Alicia looked up at the same time.  They had eaten dinner early, having not joined the others when they went to play Blitz Quidditch.  They were sitting in the tower doing homework together when Katie's scream pierced glass and stone, shaking them to their cores.

"Katie!" Alicia shouted.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted.

They looked at each other and leapt up, running straight to the window.  Their eyes scanned the darkening grounds, squinting against the setting sunlight.  Hermione pointed, "There!"  She saw what she thought was them, two tiny figures huddled on the ground.  She gasped as she looked at the destroyed greenhouse.  She saw a third person lying there.  She began to breathe heavily, registering what Katie said.

"Let's go," Alicia said, sounding like Hermione felt.  She pushed her way through the crowd of students who had followed them to the window.  Her grip on Hermione's arm was painful but welcome, it kept Hermione grounded.

They ran out the portrait door and pounded down the staircase, almost falling several times in their haste.  Some students wandered aimlessly, staring at them as they ran past.  Alicia tripped on the final few steps but Hermione braced herself on the banister, keeping the other girl upright.  With a nod of thanks, Alicia continued to run and the pair skidded to a halt in the grand foyer.

Hestia Jones had the doors closed behind her with Sprout beside her.  "Hold up," Jones said, holding her hand out.  "No one's leaving the castle."

"Get out of the way," Alicia said angrily.  "Our friends are out there."

Jones raised an eyebrow.  "Not happening kid.  Active investigation going on.  No one save the professors or authorities are entering or leaving."

"Katie and Harry are our friends," Hermione pleaded.  "We have to go and help!"

Jones looked a little sympathetic.  "I get it, I do, but there's nothing you can do.  Aurors and the Director of the DMLE plus the Matron and others are out there now.  You have nothing to add."

"We're about to go on lockdown," Sprout said kindly.  "Everyone is about to be taken back to their dorms.  Please Miss Spinnet and Miss Granger, go back to the tower."

"Bugger that!" Alicia spat, shocking Sprout and making Jones snort.  "They need us and we're going out there, now."

"I'm an Auror and not above arresting you for trying to interfere," Jones said stiffly.  "My patience only goes so far."

"Let's all just calm down here," Sprout said.

Hermione grabbed Alicia's arms as the other girl glared pure bloody murder at the Auror.  "Please," Hermione begged.  "They're our best friends and the scream really scared us.  We have to see them."

Jones' eye twitched.  "I'm not saying I don't understand," she said softly, "but I got my orders.  Your friends are being helped by the best that's available.  That's all I can offer you."

"Hey, what's going on?"  Angelina came over, walking out of the great hall and seeing them in the foyer.  "Alicia?  Hermione?"  She looked askance at the Auror and Sprout.

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