Chapter 19: Voice of Experience

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Set after Harry graduates and is doing his mastery, after Katie returns

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing."

McGonagall gave Harry her classic stern look. "And what do you think I am doing, Mister Potter?"

"You're trying to get me to teach."

"And?  Many mastery students teach."

"And you're trying to get me used to the idea and perhaps even liking the idea and I'll do more teaching."

The corners of her mouth twitched.  "You are acting rather paranoid, Mister Potter."

"And you only call me 'Mister Potter' when you are trying to deflect."

"Ah, how observant of you to notice, an excellent quality of an instructor."

Harry snorted.  "You know, if you're tired of me playing for Portree I can see about being traded-oof!"

McGonagall put her wand away.  "Perhaps I should speak to Katie.  You seem to be suffering from an odd form of madness.  Have you been struck in the head by a Bludger recently?"

Harry rubbed his arm.  "No but I want to file a protest.  My Mistress just assaulted me!"

"I will take the protest in the spirit that it was given, petulantly and falsely."

"No wonder you hadn't taken any apprentices in a while," Harry said sarcastically.

"Yes, deem yourself lucky, Mister Potter."


Harry smiled as he waved goodbye to the first years.  They left chattering happily, some with his autograph on things.  However, that was not why he was smiling.  He was smiling at how happy the students were.  After they got over their excitement at being taught by a professional Quidditch player, at least the ones that knew what Quidditch was, they were pretty attentive and eager to participate.

By the end of the class, the majority had been able to transfigure their matchsticks and he even started teaching them how to transfigure sheets of parchment into handkerchiefs.  He was surprised how easy he found explaining the theory and had taken his time walking about and helping them.

"I see that smile," McGonagall said as she walked in.  Her smile was much broader than she normally showed to students.

"It was fun," Harry admitted.  "Pretty satisfying."  He rolled his eyes at her smug expression.  "Yeah, yeah.  Go on then."

"As if I would ever gloat over being correct," she sniffed.  "How did you find the students?  I hope they behaved."

"They were pretty great," Harry said.  "Let me guess, Willis and Franks are the pranksters of the class and Deltois is the Hermione?"

"In essence yes, but Deltois is a bit shyer than our mutual acquaintance."

Harry smiled fondly.  "Hermione didn't have that problem in first year."

McGonagall shared the smile.  "She was very confident, yes."


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