Chapter 54: Scavenger Hunt

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Takes place after chapter 48


"Yes dear?" Alicia asked, looking at her daughter.

"I'm bored."

"And what would you like me to do about it?"


Alicia sighed.  "And do you two share her affliction?"

"What's a fliction?" Hailey asked.

"This."  Dahlia flicked Hailey's ear who squealed and retaliated.

Katie smiled.  "That's just a flick and don't do that Dally.  An affliction is like an illness or a condition.  AliMum was asking if you two were bored too."

"I'm a little bored," Hailey said.

"I could be a little bored," Dahlia said unhelpfully.

Katie snorted.  "Thank you for being honest," she said dryly.  She bounced a babbling baby Iris.  "Problem is, as you see, we're minding your little siblings and it's hard for us to entertain you."

"You could help us," Angelina said, giving her daughter a look.

Hailey looked up.  "I guess we could."

Alicia snorted.  "Let us make a deal then.  I have a means to soothe your boredom and once it has been, you help us after.  Deal?"

"Deal!" the trio of girls said.

Alicia summoned a quill and parchment and wrote a list of things.  She handed it to Hadley.  "There.  I have given you a list of things to find and bring back.  It's called a scavenger hunt.  You are to stay within the bounds of the neighborhood.  Everything that is on the list can be found here.  Gather them all and bring them back and we will reward your cleverness."

"Thank you Mummy/AliMum!" the girls cried.  They ran off, chatting excitedly.

Angelina gently rocked the bassinet holding Abigail and Alexander.  "What kind of things did you write on the list?"

Alicia waved a hand, moving a slumbering Melanie from one shoulder to the other.  "I was deliberately vague on that: true treasure, concrete thought, captured color, that sort of thing."

"You're a monster," Katie laughed.

"That'll keep them busy for a while," Alicia snickered.


The three girls looked over the list.

"I don't know if I get most of these," Hailey said when they finished reading it.

"Mum likes to be tricky.  Sometimes it's annoying," Hadley sighed.

"We can figure it out," Dahlia said confidently.

"We can?" Hadley asked.

"Daddy said we're really smart and that when we work together, we can figure out a lot of stuff."

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