Chapter 65: Seeker's Attention

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Takes place after chapter 12

"Alright, what did you idiots do to our new Seeker?"

Sam, Benny, Tina, and Flora quailed a little.  Tanya's expression was severe and the fact she still had a hold on her bat did not escape them.

"It wasn't my idea!" Sam shouted.

"Coward!" Tina shouted back

"Nothing happened!" Benny said.

"Liar!" Flora said.  "To Sam, not to Benny.  Nothing did happen and it was Sam's idea."

"If it's Sam's idea and nothing happened, then why are you so nervous?" Tanya asked.  She stood and glared at them as they squirmed.  "Nate!  I trusted you!"

Nathan poked his head from around the corner.  "What did I do?!"

"What didn't you do?"

"I'm confused now," Nathan said, walking over.  "What did or didn't I do?"

"I thought you were going to keep these four under control and take care of Harry."

"I did!  Everything was fine until I had to go."

"Oh, so it happened after you left."

"It's Nate's fault!" Sam yelled.

"Seriously, who leaves when it is barely ten at night?" Tina said.

"I had plans and we've been partying and drinking for hours up to that point," Nathan protested.

"You're such an old man," Tina grumbled.

"You're older than me," Nathan retorted.  He ducked when she threw a towel at him.  "Seriously, what's the deal?  What did you lot do to Harry?"

"Nothing!" Flora insisted.

"So why's Harry all twitchy and refused to leave the pitch today during lunch?" Shelia asked, scowling.

"Okay, maybe something happened," Benny confessed.

Tanya growled and shook her bat at them.  "Harry!  C'mere!"

Harry came walking over.  He blinked a few times taking the scene in.  "Is everything okay?"

"I should be asking you that," Tanya said.  "Is everything okay with you?  Don't be afraid to tell me.  They won't interrupt."  She waved her bat at the others again.

"Oh yeah, everything's fine," Harry said, turning pink-cheeked.

"See, nothing happened," Flora said.

"So you had a good time at the bar they took you to after your debut game," Tanya said.

Harry nodded emphatically.

"And nothing happened," Shelia said.

Harry nodded.

"Nothing at all."

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