Chapter 33: Tiny Terror

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Takes place during Harry's fifth year, after the Winter Holiday

Harry sat outside the Infirmary with his head in his hands.  He trembled slightly, from nerves and fright.  Katie sat at his side, rubbing his back gently and looked up at the sound of running feet.

"What happened?!" Hermione asked, breathless from running.  "Someone mentioned an accident at breakfast?"

"Hedwig was flying down and two other owls collided with her midflight and their packages exploded.  The other two owls managed to avoid the explosion and mixture of whatever but Hedwig got doused with it.  Harry ran her up here with Hagrid and he and Madam Pomfrey are checking her out," Katie explained.

"Oh no," Luna said tearily and sat beside Harry, hugging him.  "I'm sure she will be okay," Luna said softly.  "She is very tough."

"I can't lose her," Harry said, voice heavy.  "She was my first real friend.  I got her the day I found out I was a wizard.  I can't lose her."

"Do we know what was involved in the explosion?" Hermione asked.

"Professor Snape took samples of the remains," Katie said.  "He's trying to figure it out."

The door opened and Hagrid poked his head out.  "Come on in," he said, waving a giant hand at them.

"Is she okay?" Harry asked immediately, jumping to his feet.

"She's alright, mostly," Hagrid said.  He was fighting a smile and that alone was enough to relieve Harry.  "You better see it though.  I've never seen anything like it myself."

They followed him into the Infirmary and Harry ran up to his bed.  "What's wrong?  Is she okay?!"

"She is fine," Pomfrey said.  "For the most part.  Severus determined that the explosion was an odd mixture of a rejuvenation potion and some materials and reagents that are very magically strong and have shrinking properties.  When mixed together violently on a subject that it was not intended for, it created an interesting result."

She moved the blanket aside and a tiny snowy owlet looked up at them.  "It became and shrinking potion of sorts apparently."

"Oh my goodness," Katie breathed.  "She's so cute."

Hedwig was a fraction of her former size, barely larger than a small ball or a very large Golden Snitch.  She was somehow still snow white with black markings, overlarge amber eyes, and a look of intense indignation on her face.  She barked, a much higher and squeakier version of her normal voice.

"Normally snowy owlets are grey," Hagrid said, bemused.  "Then again, there really ain't anything normal about this is there?"

"That's Hedwig?" Harry asked, not quite believing his eyes.  "Is she alright?  Aside from owlet?"

"She's fine as far as we can tell.  She seems to be the same mentally, just in a younger body," Pomfrey said.  "Though admittedly, that is a giant guess on our part.  Like we said, we have not seen this before.  She seems to be aging back to her normal age at a swifter rate, but as far as we can tell, nothing permanent has been done and she is not hurt."

Harry lunged and caught Hedwig as she tried to fly off the bed.  She barely made it a few inches up before falling off the edge.  She puffed up in his hands, looking impotently angry.  Harry held her to his face.  "Hedwig, are you okay?"

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