Chapter 93: Not So Mad

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Takes place slightly after chapter 54

Pomfrey stepped out of the Floo, shaking ash from her robes.  The grate she stood on sucked up the ash and debris greedily, cleansing her in moments and she was soon soot free.  As she walked onto the floor proper, she waved at someone approaching her.  "Samantha, hello!"

Samantha smiled back.  "Hello Poppy.  Good to see you."

Pomfrey returned the fond embrace.  "So, what seems to be the problem?"

"A delicate situation that you're the best to handle," Samantha said and she led Pomfrey deeper into St Mungo's.

"Hmm, I'm having trouble thinking of what I would be needed for that the Pediatric team here could not handle."

"Well, strictly speaking, it's not a pediatric issue."

Pomfrey groaned when she saw the name inscribed on the placard beside the door.  "Ah, I see."  She thrust the door open without knocking first and walked into the exam room without care.

"Oh that's just what I need," Moody sighed, seeing her walk in.  "I thought hospitals were a place for healing.  What did you bring this sawbones in for?"

"Oh give it a rest you crazy old bastard," Tonks said severely.

"Tonks, I can kick your arse even with my arse in a hospital bed," he growled dangerously.

"Yeah?  With what foot?"  Tonks waggled his prosthetic leg at him.

"I still got one right here!"

"Go on then!  Give it a shot!"

"Dora, I don't think that's helping," Samantha sighed.

"I know the usual procedure is to be kind to the patient but trust me on this one Samantha, this one responds better to brusqueness bordering rudeness," Pomfrey said as she began reading Moody's chart.  "And call me sawbones again and I certainly will saw your bones, without anesthesia."

"Promises promises," he grunted.

"Would someone kindly explain how this happened?" Pomfrey sighed, still reading the chart.  "Was there a prison riot at Azkaban and this idiot fought everyone himself?"

"Close to that," Tonks muttered.  "He decided to take on all the trainees at once in a grand exercise."

"I was winning too," Moody said proudly.

"Until you were Cursed in the back!"

"'Bout time some of those turnips learned," Moody said.  "Once I get back out there, I'll get them back."

"I don't know if that's the best thing right now," Samantha said gently, "getting back out there I mean.  You took a lot of damage Sir and your health is a bit tenuous right now."

"Don't Sir me," Moody said, waving his hand irritably.  "And I'm sure you're a fine Healer and I have a great deal of respect for you and your daughter, but I know what I can take and what I can't."

"If you did, you wouldn't be here!" Tonks shouted.

"If you didn't drag me here, I wouldn't be here!" Moody retorted.

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