Chapter 60: Giving Potterluck

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Takes place after Iris' birth

"What are you girls doing?" Daphne asked as she walked up holding Heather.

Dahlia, Hailey, Hadley, and Melanie were sitting together in the triangle and drawing with crayons and colored pencils.  Luna was there with them and helping them.

"Hurkeys!" Melanie exclaimed, holding up her piece of paper.  A vaguely avian shape ran over blue grass under a purple sky.  The shape was a delicately traced outline of Melanie's tiny hand.

Daphne smiled.  "A very lovely hurkey.  Are they something that is akin to a nargle or wrackspurt?"

"She means hand turkey," Hadley explained.  "We traced our hands and are drawing hand turkeys!"

"Oh I see," Daphne said but privately did not quite understand.  "Are they turkeys that look like hands?"

"I don't think so," Luna mused.  "But I did not come up with this myself.  Hermione did.  We should ask her."

"Hermione, what nonsense are you filling the heads of children with?" Daphne said with mock severity as she watched the woman walk towards them.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione replied, frowning at Daphne.  "What nonsense?"

"Do hand turkeys actually look like hands?" Luna asked.

"Oh that?  No it's just a fun art thing for children to do around this time of year.  It's more popular in the States because they celebrate Thanksgiving over there.  I think someone once thought a hand looks like a turkey from the side because the fingers sticking up can be made to look like feathers."

"Aw, I assumed that was an actual breed of turkey," Luna sighed disappointedly.

"What's Thanksgiving?" Hailey asked.

"It's an American holiday," Hermione explained.  "When people landed in North America, they gave thanks for the passage and the people who lived there shared their food with them.  So every year around this time in November, families gather to share a big meal and to be thankful."

"I'm thankful every day," Dahlia frowned.

"That's because you're a good girl that doesn't take things for granted," Hermione praised, kissing her forehead.  "I don't think people over there are only thankful on Thanksgiving, but that's the purpose of the holiday as far as I know.  Some cousins of my parents live over there and have explained to us."

"Interesting," Daphne said, bouncing Heather a little.  "Sounds pleasant."

"Why don't we celebrate it here?" Hailey asked.

"Never caught on I suppose," Hermione said with a small shrug.  "Bit of a shame.  One should be thankful for what they have often."

Heather began to fuss a little, wriggling slightly.  Daphne smiled and turned to watch Harry walking up.  "Your goddaughter wants to be held by you."

"Which one?" Harry asked with a large smile.  "Oh the lightest one," he teased and happily accepted Heather who gurgled happily.

"Don't insinuate that your goddaughters are too heavy," Hermione chided with a big smile.

"Never!  I'll always carry them no matter how heavy they get."  He looked down at the drawings the girls showed him.  "Hand turkeys are really cute.  Good job girls."

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