Chapter 72: If you can Dodge a Wand...

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Takes place after chapter 56

Hedwig came swooping through the window, carrying a package in her talons.  She did a circuit around the room before landing neatly on the coffee table.  Hopping primly off the package, she hooted until Katie walked into the room.

"Hi Hedwig," Katie said.  "Oh, that's a large package."  She rubbed Hedwig's belly and unstuck the parchment note stuck to the paper.  "Harry!  It's from Professor McGonagall."

"I wonder what she sent," Harry said, wiping his hands on a towel as he walked in.  "Normally she waits for me to come for a weekly visit to hand me something."  He raised an eyebrow when Katie stood behind him.  "What?"

"Just hiding behind you in case it's her revenge for the cat toy," Katie said, half-serious.  Hedwig came fluttering over and Katie held the owl in her arms and they both peeked out from behind Harry.

"I'm, mostly, sure that this wouldn't be that.  She'd rather do it in person."  Saying that, Harry carefully opened the package and held his wand ready.  When he opened the box and saw the object inside, he relaxed and chuckled.  His chuckles became louder when he read the note within.

"What is it?" Katie asked.

"Remember what sent McGonaMum to the hospital in the first place?  Well, here it is.  Apparently she confiscated it from Professor Flitwick when he was messing with it again today.  Sent it to me for safekeeping."

Katie giggled and let go of Hedwig, picking up the glass ball.  It was large, not quite the size of a Quaffle, and heavy and cool to the touch.  "It looks and feels a lot like the light orb."

"Probably similar in make.  It holds spells and releases them on physical contact."

"Must suck getting hit with this," Katie said.  She tapped it with her wand and it glowed brightly.  "That's really nice."  She tapped it again and it shimmered with blue light.  When she touched it with her hand she yelped and the blue light disappeared.

"Shocking Jinx?"

"Yeah.  Just wanted to see it work.   That's funny.  Poor Professor Flitwick."  She gave Harry a look.

"Not in here," Harry laughed.  "I'll ask Sirius if we can use one of the practice rooms at Grimmauld tomorrow.  Better make sure MumAndi is there too."

"Think I can't take what you dish out," Katie asked, eyes sparkling.

"No, I'm worried about me," Harry grinned.  "You're terribly competitive."

"And don't you forget it," she smiled and kissed him.


Sirius hefted the ball.  "Huh, I've never heard of that game but it sounds like fun."

"I'm surprised Filius was playing with it once more," Andromeda smiled.  "I would think he would be more shy once Minerva returned."

"Well she always was quick to take away toys," Sirius chuckled.

When asked, he had eagerly given permission and wanted to watch as well as play too possibly.  Katie and Harry arrived at Grimmauld and they went into one of the warded practice rooms in the basement.  Andromeda had arrived soon after and she settled comfortably in a chair against the wall, accepting a cup of tea from Kreacher.

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