Chapter 42: AU: A Book Wyrm's Hoard, Part 1

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Starts in Harry's third year

Alicia blinked a few times.  She looked at Katie who looked back with equal astonishment.  After another moment they both looked at an increasingly nervous and embarrassed Hermione.  "I'm sorry," Alicia said slowly.  "I must have misheard you.  Could you repeat that?"

Hermione, face bright red, turned to leave.  "Never mind, this was a bad idea, forget I said anything."

"Hermione, wait."  Katie reached out and gently took the younger girl's hand.  "We were just a little surprised."

"Of course you were.  Why on earth would I possibly want to learn," she said bitterly.

"Oh drop it Hermione," Alicia sighed.  "I promise we aren't mocking you.  You caught us by surprise.  You would have the same reaction if I said I wanted to learn caring for a dragon or if Katie wanted to learn how to sew."

"Hey, I know how to sew," Katie protested.  She colored at Alicia's look.  "Not well but never mind."  She looked back at Hermione.  "But sure, we'll teach you."

"You're not looking to try out for the team, are you?" Alicia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No!  I mean, I just want to try and broaden my horizons or something," Hermione mumbled.

"Right," Alicia said with considerable disbelief.  "Well, let's go."

"Now?" Hermione asked, voice squeaky with panic.

"Yes, now.  Go change into something athletic and meet us back here.  Go on."  She watched Hermione climb the stairs to the girls' dormitories with the gait of someone dreading what was to come.  "What on earth is going through that girl's head?" she murmured softly.

"Maybe she really does want to try something different," Katie suggested.

"For her, trying something different is reading a book on a subject she had not read before.  This is well beyond her comfort zone," Alicia replied.

"You think she has an ulterior motive?"

"I do, the question is, what?"

"Well, maybe she'll tell us once she gets more comfortable."

Alicia rubbed her face.  "This is going to be horrific; you know that right?"

"It won't be that bad...right?"


"Oh my goodness, this is amazing," Angelina said.  She grunted when Alicia kicked her in the leg.  "Ow hey!"

"Be nice," Alicia said.  "I know you don't love her but she's trying something new and I won't have you making fun of her."  Alicia winced at a loud screech.  "Even if it's really easy to do right now."

Hermione was sitting on the broom, her hands clenched tight enough to be strangling the broom if it breathed.  Her legs were clamped as tight as a mechanical vise and she trembled as she tried flying about.  The broom shook too, as if it shared her terror.  Katie had one hand on her arm and was trying to guide her around but it was not going well.

"Okay, let's get back to the ground," Katie said even though they were not very high in the air.  "Come on."  She led Hermione down and the second Hermione's feet touched the ground she collapsed flat onto the earth.

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