Chapter 144 - The Family that Chose Him

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Takes place before chapter 31

He wondered if it would ever get easier.

He had come fairly often since that day during his sixth year at Hogwarts.  That Halloween was the first time he had ever visited the place.  It had made such a profound impact on him that day.  The feelings he felt, the emotions he bore and released, they had never quite left him.  Since then, he usually came several times a year.  Some visits lasted only a few minutes, a quick catch up and clean.  Other visits lasted a little longer, when he felt the need to be alone for a bit with his thoughts and feelings and to be as close to them as he could.  Sometimes he was alone, others he was with friends and those he called family.

He arrived and as per usual, he was alone in the cemetery.  There were times where he had seen other people who had come to visit.  A nod, a kind word, those were usually the only things exchanged with the other mourners, the others in grief, the visitors.  He had even met the priest and the one who cared for the church.  The priest was very kind and always greeted him warmly.  After meeting him, he had given money to the church.  Discreetly, in Muggle money of course, and though the priest had tried to dissuade him, he had gratefully accepted it to ensure that the church and the cemetery would be kept well, as well as helping the less fortunate.

He had felt good about that.  The priest never failed to thank him sincerely for his donations.

The man discreetly regrew the small objects he brought.  He filled the bucket with water from his wand and slowly and gently cleaned the gravestone.  The water was cold, as well as the stone.  He washed and wiped away the dust and debris that had built up since the last time someone came to clean them.  Errant weeds were pulled.  With his wand, he made a bouquet of lilies and bellflowers and in an afterthought, added a dahlia star blossom.

Finished, Harry sat down and leaned against the headstone, eyes looking into the distance.

“Hi Dad.”  He spoke at last, his voice low.  “Wanted to let you know that we destroyed Ballycastle the other day, again.”  He smiled a little at the memory of the game.  “They really are a bunch of tossers.  Must be because they play for the team.  I swear, every new player they get are just giant arseholes.  You would’ve loved the game though.  300 to 30.  We embarrassed them.”

His smile grew a little.  “Sam and Flora scored career bests and Benny had so many interceptions.  And Captain Tanya knocked their Seeker’s head off with a Bludger.  I normally wouldn’t like that sort of thing but it was a beautiful shot and that guy was an extra-large arsehole.  Been fouling me all game and Tanya got pissed and hit him clean in the face, direct impact.  I swear I heard his nose break from across the pitch.”

He looked at James’ name etched into the stone.  “Keeping Portree proud for you.”

His eyes drifted to Lily’s name.  “Hi Mum,” he said, his voice a little thick.  “Don’t worry, I didn’t fly dangerously during the game.  I was extra good.  Actually, I’ve been really good for a while now.  Kinda have to, honestly.  I don’t hate it.  Just have to remember to hold back here and there.”

His eyes grew warmer.  “Katie’s gotten so big!  Don’t tell her I said that though, sometimes she likes hearing it and sometimes she doesn’t.  She likes to push me around with her stomach though which I personally find hilarious.  Apparently SamaMum did the same when she was pregnant, which is even funnier.”

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