Chapter 14: Unconventional Naming

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Set before Dahlia was born or even named

"Do you need anything else?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Breathe Rabbit," Angelina said with a wide smile.  "We're fine, and if we need anything we'll call."

"Honestly, you truly are a mama bird now," Alicia grinned.

Harry laughed.  "Three of the most important women in my life are here and two have their babies with them and one being pregnant, how did you think I would act?"

The former Chasers cooed.  "What have you done to him to keep him so considerate?" Alicia asked Katie.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Katie asked, smug.

"I don't," Angelina said.  "It's really weird for me to think of Harry doing anything like that."

"I hate to tell you this," Katie said solemnly, taking Angelina's hand in hers, "but there's a chance that Harry's had sex before."

"Surely not!" Alicia gasped.

"Reasonably sure," Katie said.  She patted her abdomen.  "There might be proof."

"Ew ew ew," Angelina said, snatching her hand back.  "You're gross."  She glared at Harry.  "You're gross!"

"Guilty," he laughed.  He gently settled the dual sling across his chest, checking on the two precious bundles.  The first was a chubby-cheeked little girl with short brown curls, cream-hued skin, and hazel eyes.  The second was an equally chubby girl with brownish-red hair, light brown skin, and brown eyes.  "Now I'll take my goddaughters out on a walk.  Send me a message if you need anything."  He walked off slowly, humming softly.

"He's really taken to being a father," Alicia said proudly.

"Seriously."  Angelina looked teary.  "Hailey isn't that good for my parents or George's.  She fusses when it's not us or Rabbit holding her."

"I'm so lucky," Katie said happily.  She shifted in her seat a little.  "Personally, I'm freaking out a little but seeing Harry that good with your daughters makes me feel super at ease otherwise."

"He's really taking advantage of the practice."  Alicia snickered.  "I never saw Oliver pick up a book willingly that wasn't about Quidditch until I got pregnant.  For the first few weeks he was constantly reading a parenting book before he did anything."

Angelina laughed loudly for a few moments.  "Did you ever imagine us doing this one day?  When we were at school?"

"What, imagine us sitting around with babies and talking about our spouses and things?"  Katie shook her head while she laughed.  "Not at all!  I thought we'd do this at a bar or something after playing Quidditch or something else."

"There are worse things to be talking about."  Alicia made a face.  "We could be talking about politics and other society drivel."

"That's true."  Angelina smiled at Katie.  "How are you holding up?"

"Pretty good honestly.  I can still do my job right now which is nice.  I still get decent sleep.  My magic is still a little wonky.  Sometimes my spells are overpowered or I have to pump more energy into it."  She grinned and patted her front softly.  "It's funny, the other day I was craving apple juice and I never really liked that before.  Mum says it's probably the baby trying to influence me."

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