Chapter 61: House Elf Havoc

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Starts some time after chapter 141 of Family

"Hey thanks for clearing up all those boxes, I appreciate it."

Harry blinked at Katie a few times.  "I uh, I was getting to it today.  It's already all cleared?"

Katie blinked back.  "Uh...yes?"  She and Harry walked to the closet and looked inside.  The pile of boxes and random packaging that was there the previous day was completely gone.  Everything was organized and clean.  "You're telling me that you didn't do this?"

"No, I really didn't."  He looked around carefully.  "And I know my clothes weren't this organized earlier."

"Mine either," Katie said.  She frowned.  "That's unsettling."

"Do you think the Mums snuck over and did this?"

She shook her head.  "Mum gave up on cleaning after me and Lyla ages ago.  And AndiMum wouldn't know how I organize things either.  Did she clean up for you in Grimmauld ever?"

"Like help in the kitchen and sitting rooms sure but never my bedroom."  Harry cast a few charms.  "I'm getting some magical residue but that could just be clothes that have charms on them.  That's really weird."

"None of our friends would do this," Katie said slowly.

"I'm pretty sure I don't sleep-clean," Harry joked.

"I sure hope not," Katie giggled.  "Uh, well this is a building that's had magicals living in it for ages right?  Maybe leftover magic that does this sort of thing?"

"Does that happen?"

"It could I suppose."  She looked around carefully.  "I'm not missing anything.  If someone came in to mess with stuff, they'd steal something I'd think."

"I guess we can just try to keep an eye open for future weirdness."  He noticed her staring at him.  "What?"

"I'm keeping an eye on you for future weirdness," she smiled.  She squealed when he tickled her.


"Everything okay?" she asked.

"Something weird is going on," Harry said.  He was going through the cabinets in the kitchen.  "Some of the things I was low on are filled.  I was writing out a grocery list and I know for a fact that I was running low on caster sugar and some spices but they're full now."

Katie frowned.  "Okay, so not only are we not missing things, we have things replaced.  Yeah that's weird."

"Hedwig?" Harry called out.

Hedwig came fluttering over from her roost, landing neatly in front of him.

"You haven't noticed anyone here that shouldn't be, have you?" he asked.  "Someone that might be cleaning and filling things inexplicably?"

Hedwig shook her head.

"If someone broke in, we'd find evidence of Hedwig clawing them up," Katie said.

Hedwig nodded emphatically, tapping her talons on the kitchen counter.

"Thanks Hedwig," Harry said, rubbing her head.  "I have no idea what's going on but I'll throw up some new wards and spells to see if we can catch whoever is doing this."

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