Chapter 85: Expectations and Rebellions

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Takes place years after chapter 82

They landed in a heap, a jumble of limbs and bodies.  Hadley groaned a little, wincing at the elbow planted firmly in her stomach.  "Will we ever get used to portkeys?"

Tracy smiled as she helped the girls stand, being the only one that remained fully upright.  "Some do, some don't.  If it makes you girls feel better, you're way better at it than me when I was your age.  Took me a while to not throw up when I landed.  Aren't you glad I shrunk your things?  Imagine portkeying with a broom."

"Ouch, no thank you," Hailey shuddered.  "Thank you, Auntie Tracy."

"You're welcome."  She hesitated for a moment.  "Is everything okay, girls?  Did something bad happen at the camp?"

Dahlia, Hailey, and Hadley looked at each other for a moment before looking back up at Tracy, shaking their heads in unison.  "No Auntie Tracy," they said together.

Tracy smiled.  "It's so funny when you three do that."  Her smile faded a little.  "Are you sure?  You know you lot can tell me anything and I'll more than likely not tell your parents."

"We know," Dahlia said with a small smile.  "Nothing really bad happened, promise."

"Alright, well let me know if I can do anything."  Tracy looked at her watch.  "I gotta run.  You lot can make it back home from here right?"  She grinned at three identical flat looks.  "Hey, just being a caring auntie."  She hugged the three girls and kissed Dahlia on the forehead before disapparating.

"Are you okay?" Hadley asked Dahlia.

Dahlia sighed and rubbed her neck like she saw Harry do many times when he was thinking.  "Yeah.  I mean, I dunno."

"I still say we go back next time with my box," Hailey said mutinously.

"Our Mums would kill us," Hadley said.

"It might be worth it," Hailey argued.  "He doesn't get to talk about Dally or us like that.  The Mums and Daddy and Uncle Freddy would understand.  Daddy and Uncle Freddy would help us."

"I'm not saying they don't deserve it, but if I'm going to get into big trouble, I want it to be worth it," Hadley argued back.

"And defending Dally and us wouldn't be worth it?!"

"Of course it would!  But they're all pathetic and I think it's punishment enough that they're that pathetic!"

Hailey sighed.  "Well, what do you think Dally?"

Dahlia chewed her lip.  "I don't think we should do that.  It'd be funny but I don't want to get in trouble for that.  Plus it might be bad for Daddy and Mummy and AngieMum and Uncle Oliver."

"That's a good point, I didn't think about that," Hailey admitted.

"I still say we should just tell our parents," Hadley said.  "Let them handle it.  AngieMum and Daddy would crush them, same with Mummy."

"But then we'd be proving them right," Hailey said.

"There's really not much more we can do though," Hadley grumbled.  "Besides ignoring them."

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