Chapter 142: Fishy Business

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Takes place after chapter 132

The man looked dangerous.  He was tall and broad, hair clipped short and neat.  He moved with purpose, like a beast on the prowl.  Eyes never ceased moving and he had a large scar bisecting his left eye from forehead to cheek.  When he focused on his target, he growled.  "There you are, you scarred bastard," he said in a very thick and heavy accent.

"You're one to talk," Moody snorted back, utterly unimpressed and unintimidated.  "You might have less scars but you're more of a bastard than me."

"Is that so?"  The man towered over Moody and they glared at each other for long moments before they broke out laughing and exchanged back-slapping embraces.  "You look good, my friend," the man said warmly.  "Much better than the last time I saw you."

"Been doing some rehab and therapy," Moody admitted.

"What?!  You?!  And who managed to convince you to do that you stubborn mule?"

"Get bent, you fat German bastard," Moody snorted.

"Fat?!  I am not fat!" the man gasped, grievously wounded.

The woman who had accompanied the man sighed wearily and offered a hand to the others who were watching in varying degrees of shock and surprise.  "Seeing how no one will introduce us, I am Anna Vogel.  That is my uncle, Lukas Vogel."

"Pleasure to meet you," Harry said, shaking her hand warmly.  "I'm Harry Potter.  This is Luna Lovegood.  That's Oliver Wood."  Luna and Oliver shook her hand.  "That's Tracy Davis-Greengrass," he introduced while Tracey waved merrily.

"Nice to meet you too," Anna smiled back.  "And I know of Director Bones but not well.  Uncle and I are Aurors in the German Ministry.  He is number two in the department so he has had dealings with foreign Aurors.  And as you see, he and Moody are good friends."

"And hear," Tracy smiled.  "Only good friends can insult each other so openly like that."

Moody brought Lukas over and introduced them all to him.

"Ah, you must be the one that has convinced this one to take better care of himself," Lukas said warmly, shaking Harry's hand enthusiastically.  "Tell me how, if you will.  He is very stubborn and I have wasted many years trying to convince him."

Harry flexed his hand slightly.  Lukas' handshake had been energetic and was like squeezing metal.  "I can't take full responsibility," Harry smiled.  "Dora helps a lot too.  But it's more SamaMum, well my wife's mother, and my daughters too."

"You?  Convinced by children?  I thought you said you would rather deal with ravenous pixies than actual children," Lukas asked with sincere shock.

"For the most part," Moody grunted.  "But Potter's kids are like their mother and grandmother.  They have a way of making you feel bad if you don't do what they want.  And they genuinely want you to get better.  It's really annoying."

"They really do," Oliver smiled with Luna, Tracy, and Amelia nodding in agreement.

"I'm not sure I like what you lot are insinuating," Harry sniffed.

"At least they use their powers for good," Luna said brightly.  "Usually."

"Go on, show them the picture," Amelia said, grinning at Moody.

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