Chapter 37: Moving Dazed

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Takes place in the few weeks after chapter 29

"I love the layout," Alicia said as she walked around the home.  It was empty of furniture and things of course, being newly built, but it already exuded a practical warmth and comfort.  "At first the living room seems way too large but I think I like how it integrates directly into the kitchen."

Angelina smiled.  "Yeah, George and I talked about it and I think it'll work better because you can cook and stuff and still be right here in the same room.  The dining table will be against that wall so it's all combined and it kinda makes everyone be together on the main floor you know?"

"It'll be easier to clean too," Katie remarked.  She smiled at Angelina.  "Especially considering how many children you have, or will have."

"Ugh, I might call it after this one," Angelina groaned.  "These two are wearing me out," she said, patting her abdomen.  "Still, and George knows this, but I'm not having as many kids as he has siblings.  Maybe one more but that'll be the last and it'll be a while before I try again."

The former Chaser trio were walking around the houses that were just finished for them.  Their homes were prioritized for building but the construction company had set aside more than one crew for building and inspection and so the time it took to build and finish the homes were remarkably short and yet still somewhat cheaper than other companies in other places.

The others were being built, some almost finished, others just beginning, but the Potter, Weasley, and Wood houses were all done and fully inspected.  Now they were exploring and seeing how things were done and everyone was very happy.

They walked into Alicia and Oliver's home and admired the simple but classical interior of the rooms and the main floor.  "Oh wow, I was wondering what you had them do the cellar into the hill but now it makes a lot of sense," Katie exclaimed.

"I know it is traditional to have your potions lab underground and sequestered away," Alicia said," but I really like having windows.  So building the cellar into the hill and having the back door out on ground level made sense and I get some lovely windows now.  Plus I can just walk out the back door and get to my gardens for materials."

"Don't you have some things that are sensitive to light?" Angelina asked.

"Yes but I learned a few charms that negate that easily.  Plus the interior room here to the side will be the storage and I'll wrap that in charms and protections."  Alicia gently patted a snoozing Melanie in her sling dangling down her front.  "Cannot be too careful for the little ones and my big idiot."

"Speaking of, I assume he's inspecting the local pitch?" Katie asked.

"He is," Alicia sighed.  "I'm glad baby bird listened to me and had it moved more interior to the plots and I don't have to look at it directly if I don't want to."

"As if you're not happy to play on it too," Angelina snorted.

"I'm not obsessed with it like some people," Alicia sniffed.

"You know you're talking to a sports healer and a professional Chaser, right?" Katie smiled.

"You're not obsessed with it," Alicia replied pertly.

"That's fair," Angelina laughed.

Finally, they walked through the Potter home.  It was designed a lot like the Bell residence: an emphasis on comfort over style.  The kitchen was large and spacious, looking directly into the backyard.  A large interior window was cut into a wall to look into the living room as well.

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