Chapter 2: Snakebite

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Takes place after Harry proposed to Katie.

"How did I not know this street ever existed?" Harry asked.

"You never really had reason to visit I suppose.  Everything here is frightfully priced," Andromeda replied.

"What are we doing here then?" he asked, looking nervous.

"Because sometimes you get what you pay for and we are here for something very nice and very expensive," Andromeda said with a smile.  "Don't worry love, Sirius sent me here with you and this is a family gift for the wedding."

Harry, Andromeda, and Tonks were walking down Luxurious Street, a branch from Diagon Alley.  The change in environment was almost jarring.  The plain well-worn cobblestones of the Alley became gleaming marble.  The street lights were made of silver.  The store fronts had no large eye-catching signs.  They did not scream high class, that would be plebian.  They oozed it, sneered it.  The people that walked up and down the streets wore expensive looking robes and walked as if they had something very stiff inserted up their spines to match stiff expressions.

Tonks slouched down the street, her bright pink mohawk causing everyone to stare at her.  She whistled loudly and obviously, "Now this is a posh street," she said and popped her bubblegum.

"Quite," Andromeda said.  Once upon a time she would have scolded her daughter for acting this way in public, much less on any street.  Now, however, she looked faintly amused and resigned at her behavior.  "Easily the most expensive place to shop in all of England.  If it's luxurious and expensive, you can find it here."

"What are we getting here?"  Harry did a double take at an expensive set of dress robes on display, eyes wide at the cost.  "That's more than I make in three games!"

"And ugly to boot," Tonks sniffed.

"Hush now," Andromeda chided them gently but she agreed that the robes were hideous and hideously overpriced.  "We're here to get you a family safe.  Every household should have one.  Portable only to the owner and only those keyed into the wards can open it.  Of course, you can get all sorts for much cheaper but one of the oldest masters of artifice operates here and their safes are the best."

"You guys don't need to get me anything-" Harry began to say.

"Keep talking and I'll tell them to make it bubblegum pink and to sing annoying songs whenever you touch it," Tonks warned.

"We know what you mean love," Andromeda laughed at Harry's grimace.  "But really, every family should have a very good one and it's something your family will use for generations."

Harry sighed but hugged the two witches tightly.  "Thank you," he said instead.  "No complaining about the alleged price of your gifts for the next few years then."

"I never complain about that," Tonks said airily.

Andromeda patted his arm but they both knew that the gesture was not a form of agreement, just affection and temporary placation.

Artorious' Artifices was an incredibly impressive establishment.  The inside was plain grey stone and various objects sat on plinths.  You described what you were looking for and a consultant would see what closely fit the needs and discuss the intricacies and then the price.  Everything was essentially custom made increasing the uniqueness and the costs.

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