Chapter 114: Clear Communication

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Takes place after chapter 63

"What are they doing?" Colette asked.

She and Aimee were visiting Potter Village/Barony de Potter, name depending on who you asked, which is not an unusual thing.  They have visited many times in the past, ever since the neighborhood came into being.  Now though, with Fleur having a home there, they went from rare visitors to often visitors and were happier for it, they and the residents of the village.

Fleur, Aimee, and Colette were sitting in the small space that was called the Triangle, where chairs and tables were permanently there as well as a playground.  The trio of French witches watched fondly at Dahlia, Hailey, and Hadley in the playground with Hedwig in attendance.

"I do not know," Fleur said.  "Harry, what are the girls doing?"

Harry walked up with Katie and was carrying Iris.  He handed Iris to Aimee who held her arms out for the baby.  "Oh so the bunnies are into 'communicating without speaking', or something like that right now.  Apparently just pointing at your open mouth doesn't suffice really," he snorted and the women laughed.  "Luna suggested interpretive dance and Hedwig is the best dancer here so she's teaching them how to dance."

"Is she really the best dancer?" Colette asked.

"I can usually tell what she's trying to say when she's dancing," Katie laughed.  "She also has very expressive facial expressions."

"That and when all else fails, she nips," Harry grinned.

"They know her happy dance," Fleur smiled.  "I remember that from the Cup celebration."

"That's a good one," Harry nodded.

"What's that dance?" Aimee asked, pointing with one arm while cradling Iris with the other.  They watched as Hedwig hopped up and down, first on one leg, then the other, then both.

"That's when she's being eager or impatient, which is sorta both for her," Harry said.

"I dance like that when I need to use the restroom so that tracks," Katie said and they laughed.

"Oh what is that one?" Fleur asked.  "It does not seem polite."

"That's-HEDWIG!  NO!"  Harry rushed over.  "Don't teach them that dance!"

"Now I have to know what it is!" Colette exclaimed.

"Probably her 'I think you're an idiot dance'," Katie snickered.  "It involves a lot of mooning and arse waggling which is distinctly different from fanny wiggling and butt shaking."  She looked at Fleur.  "How did you know it was impolite?"

"Hedwig and I are kindred spirits," Fleur sniffed with faux haughtiness.  "We are both beautiful, care for the finer things in life-"

"-both are birds," Colette continued, "both are very snooty."  She shrieked when Fleur shot her with a stinger.  "Both attack people without cause when confronted with the truth!"

"Fleur danced a little when she was younger," Aimee said, cooing at Iris in her arms.

"Really?" Katie asked.

"Ballet," Fleur said.  "How terribly French of me, no?"

"Why did you stop?" Katie asked.

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