Chapter 73: Wax and Wane

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Takes place a few years after chapter 71

He hated the way she looked at that moment, eyes open but empty, her expression lost.  He was used to seeing her stare off into space, typically her face dreamy and curious, a hint of a smile just barely hidden.  There was no dreaminess here, no pleasant mental meandering.  She was there, but only just.  "Luna," he whispered softly.

After hearing her name a few more times, Luna blinked and her silver-grey eyes focused slowly.  "Harry?" she replied, her voice tiny and shaking.

"Yeah, it's me," he said softly.

Luna looked out the window.  The sun had not yet risen, the sky still dark with fingers of crimson rising from the horizon.  "Oh, it's early."

"I let myself in, hope that was okay."

"You are always welcome here," she whispered.  "No matter the time or reason."

"Good."  He frowned.  "Did you sleep?"

"I...don't know.  I didn't go to bed if that is what you mean."  Her eyes returned to his face and she stared resolutely at him and at nothing else.

"Okay," he said.  "Well, I'm here to help you, if you want me to."

"You are?"

He smiled sadly at her.  "Of course."

"What about work?  Katie and the girls?"

"The team's covered for the next few weeks.  Katie's fine and so are the girls.  They're worried about you too."

"Oh.  That's very nice of them."  She blinked and tears built in her eyes.  "I...I think I need your help."

"You have it," he promised.  He took her hands in his and he tried not to worry about how cold they were, how hard she gripped his.  "Would you like anyone else to come with us for this part?"

"I...not for this," she said after a while.  "Perhaps for other things, but not for this.  I thought I could do this on my own, by myself, but I don't think I can."

"You don't have to do it on your own," he said firmly.  "You're not alone, Luna."

"Thank you," she whispered.  She felt him wipe the tears away and she stood on unsteady legs.  Her hands shook slightly but went still when she picked up the urn that was sitting on the table in front of her.  "I...I'm ready."

She closed her eyes and felt Harry apparate them away from Potter Village.  The roar of the sea filled her ears and the wet air smelled strongly of salt and spray.  The wind pulled on her long blonde hair.  She relaxed when Harry offered an arm and they walked along the cliff top and stood at the edge, waiting for the sun to rise fully.

It was a cruelly beautiful day.  The sea air biting and cold.  The sun shone bright, not a cloud in the sky.  The cries of gulls were loud: hungry and mournful to her ears.  She took a breath, then another, then another.

"He...he said the best part of traveling was seeing the sun rise over the sea," she said at last.  "Something he read once, about the age of Muggle exploration.  Said it must have been grand to travel the oceans on a ship."

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