Chapter 115: The First Rebellion

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Takes place after chapter 97

"Hey Hermione, question for you."

"Sure, how can I help?" Hermione said, looking up at Angelina.

"What exactly are you teaching the bunnies right now about rebellions?" Angelina asked, completely serious.

"You are doing what?" Daphne asked, looking slightly incredulous.

"I didn't mean to teach them about rebellions per se," Hermione said, flushing a little.  "It sort of came up."

"How did it come up?" Alicia asked.

"I was teaching them a little about Goblin culture and history and one of the lessons I was teaching remarked that it was a consequence of one of the inter-clan rebellions in the 1500s," Hermione explained.

"You taught them about the Schism?!"  Daphne frowned.  "They should not be learning about that at this age!"

"I glossed over most of it!  I only talked about what a rebellion was in the broadest and most technical of terms!" Hemione said loudly.

"Which one was the Schism?" Angelina asked.

"The one where the ruling Goblin clan was broken in half due to a succession in leadership due to infidelity.  It wiped out two of the leading clans at the time and basically ensured how the United Kingdom's Gringotts branch would always be a little different compared to Italy's."  Alicia rolled her eyes at Angelina's blank look.  "We learned about it in school."

"I forgot, obviously," Angelina snorted.  "The reason I mentioned it was that I overheard the bunnies talking about it."

"About the Schism or about rebellions?" Alicia asked.

"Rebellions in general.  They were making a list of things they found worth rebelling over," Angelina said and she and the other women laughed.

"That is adorable," Daphne said.  She gently shifted Heather to her other shoulder when the baby snuffled.  "And I am glad I do not have to worry about Heather doing that right now."

"What was on the list?" Hermione asked.

"No pudding at least every third night was close to the top."

"That's actually reasonable," Alicia snorted.

"No flying at least every few days too."  Angelina smiled proudly.  "Those are our girls alright."

"Let me guess, something related to Harry was at the top," Hermione smiled.

"Not a hard guess," Angelina laughed.  "Yup.  If they don't get a hug or snuggle with Harry every day is grounds for rebellion."

"I suppose that's reasonable too," Alicia laughed.


"Okay Hermione, we really need to go over your lesson plans," Alicia said seriously.

"Oh what now?" Hermione asked.

"I had a rather interesting conversation with my daughter about what constitutes civil versus uncivil disobedience," Alicia said with hands on her hips.

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